It’s 2019 already?!? How long have I been asleep??

I’d hoped to spring forth at the new year flinging new chapters around at you guys all willy nilly, but that hasn’t happened yet…and then I figured it was unfair to you guys to remain all quiet with nary a peep coming from my end, so…

PEEP!  ???

Yes, I yet live, and no – despite all evidence to the contrary, I have not abandoned my unfinished works.  I’m also not in the process of writing other things “professionally”, either…I’m just in a writing-less funk, that’s all.  Granted it seems to be a long-term non-funky funk, but yeah, it’s just a funk.

The fact that I have unfinished stories is quite stressful to me, and I figure that’s likely part of why I’m in said funk (stress + stress + stress * even more stress = no words flowing from me). 

But anyho, I really did want to touch base with you guys to let you know what’s going on (cause I’m all that an’ stuff…riiiight…) and to let you know that you are NOT forgotten.  I cherish the kind words you’ve sent my way and have in fact gone back to read reviews because they’re an incredible mood lifter-upper.  You guys really do rock the mostest!

TL;DR = I’m still here, words will spew forth at some point, and you guys rock.  Stay tuned, and I hope you guys have a fantastic 2019!


A DIFFERENT MUSE NIPPED MY ARSE – (skip if you want, not an update)

I don’t write poetry so I wrote a poetry.  Go figure.  I blame that damn strange meandering-through muselette (not my MIA FLM who is still vacay’ing w/o me) for this wordage.  I may revise it, may not, who knows.  I don’t read this type of writing (poetry/poems) so I have no idea if it’s any good (any experience I ever had were haikus and rhyming crap, lol).  Enjoy?

What I Want

I want us, all of us, to be free
To be given the foundation, the grounding, of love and care
So that we may be free, boundless,
To fly and soar and dream far above the earth
To fly without fear of losing ourself,
To fly without fear of losing our way and our source and our time
To fly without fear of never finding home again
Yet free to find where our home should be
Free to find home and free to be home
Free to then fly solely for the joy of flight


Just a THANK YOU!/update/other words

Here – catch:  a heart-felt (and probably painfully loud so you might wanna step back a bit…a little more…a little…ok, that should be about right) THANK YOU!!! to everyone who has donated to the GoFundMe!!!!

You are the very BEST readers and I absolutely appreciate every single one of you anyway, but your response to the GFM has truly blown me away.  Your support really does mean the world to me.

(I didn’t set the account up so I don’t know how GFM works so I don’t know how to individually thank the fantastic people who donated but I did want to thank you guys somehow!)

A better THANK YOU!!??


The campaign has not ended.  I still have to go for daily super-strong antibiotic IVs (“infusions” or if you wanna be all medical, “infusion therapy”), bi- and sometimes tri-weekly doctor (usually nurse) appointments, and I have at least one (probably two but I’m hoping the dr forgets) more surgeries in my future.  (Oh, the joy.)  Bluntly, I’m doing a LOT better health-wise but I ain’t out of the woods yet – it was just *that* bad, previously. 

Here’s the handy-dandy link in case someone’s won the lottery:

Fic-wise, I *have* been thinking about my stories, especially The Moon and One Night.  Thinking…but not writing yet.   You’d think having to remain off my foot (and in/on bed/chair/wheelchair as I’m STILL not allowed to put ANY pressure on my foot AT ALL) for 23.5 hours a fucking day would be conducive to writing, however…it is not.  I’m still too damn frustrated over all this mess *to* concentrate effectively on all the ins and outs of my fics. 

(Why did I have to go and make them so dang complicated?  Granted they’re not nearly as complex as many of our other writers’ plots are, but still…*grumph*)

I did want you to know that I have not forgotten my fics, and I haven’t forgotten you guys, either.  This health mess is just taking for-freakin’-ever to resolve.  But it’s getting there.


Thank you again, and I really appreciate your patience, your kind support, and of course if, your hard-earned cash.   (You knew I was blunt, right?  I mean, rly, you knew this already, right? *innocent face*)



Pondering Our TB/SVM Fandom ♥

Since True Blood ended/died in a bloody massacre, there have been thoughts, fears, and vague mutterings that our beloved fandom is dying (quickly, slowly, or otherwise). 

I don’t see it that way. 

To me, let’s just say that our fandom has become more… streamlined.  We started out as “a group of everyone” including the rabid, the flighty, the vaguely interested, the temporary, and the totally dedicated…and everyone in between.  Now, thanks to life and its sometimes-great, sometimes-cruel hand, we’ve evolved – we’re now distilled into a harder, stronger core group of readers, writers, and “both”.  At least, I like to think so. 

There are TB/SVM readers left and there are TB/SVM writers left, and the floor is always open to new readers and writers wanting to explore all-things-Eric-Sookie-Godric/etc.  Some readers only have a few minutes or hours a week to read, and some writers may only have a few stories to tell while others have many, but all are still welcome in our rather resilient fandom.

As for me, I’m not stopping, not yet.  I have stories to finish, and there are still some plots buzzing around in my woozy head that may demand to be told.  Thanks to a nasty medical emergency it might be a while until I can get things calmed down enough to actually write the words down on virtual paper, but they’re still in there somewhere.

Sadly, some of our writers didn’t want to leave yet life took them from us too soon and we’ll forever mourn their loss.  For hopefully better and never worse, quite a few of our writers have been swallowed up by their daily lives and left the fandom for innumerable reasons, and while we hope they’ll find their way back to us someday, we wish them well.

And then…there are the writers who have sharpened their teeth in our world and  gathered their courage to move on to other projects – our lovely Gyllene (click over and give her some love!) is the latest to venture forth on her own fantastic journey.

I want to wish her well on her future publishing venture and remind her that the door to our TB/SVM fandom is always open.  Her fanfiction talent will be sorely missed (and maybe she’ll bring coffee if/when she does return!) but I do hope to read her published works far sooner than later.  With her, I don’t sense that this is “goodbye”; it feels more like a “see ya soon…hey wait, Eric did what?!?” 

Again, our fandom isn’t <insert negative or melancholy thought here> – we’re simply streamlining – distilling down to our core, dedicated group of lovely readers, writers, and “both”.  And that proverbial door is always open!

More later,


Generic Update of ON Updatedness *wee teaser*

…or something.  This is just me letting you guys know that I’m only a day or three away from the next ON part (depending on that interferin’ RL thing).

Do y’all give a shit about word counts?  If you do, right now it’s at 6,708 (and growing) according to Word (WP counts differently for whatever reason).  If you don’t, unread that last sentence; I’ll wait.

Anyway, here’s an un-final-FINAL-drafted wee teaser for ON, 4th N, Pt. 4…aka: One Night, The Fourth Night, Part 4 iffin you wanna be all official an’ shit…  You know the drill:  the following is subject to minor/possibly major/whatever changes before posting.  (Bits and pieces of this Part keep magically disappearing – might wanna keep this for posterity cause technology keeps fucking with me…)


Continue reading

Generic NOT A CHAPTER Update – ignore at will

Dearest Darling Readers-Mine,


RL, however, has decided to interfere with my writing processes to the point that I’m perma-glaring at her ass.   The Moon gave me several false starts but at least STC has finally (FINALLY) decided to play nice.  I’ve basically given up on EN: ATS and Decisions for right now.   They’re the least popular current works so they receive the least enthusiasm so *flibbith*.

But…EVERY DAMN TIME I sit down to even THINK about working on One Night, srsly, something happens.  I get interrupted by people with Things That Will Not Wait even though they fucking well could.  The dog got sick (she had a 3-day bout of Where The Hell Did This Come From doggy-diarrhea-poos…that was fun…); the cat got super-sick (he ended up staying at the vets for 3 nights/4 days – and it wasn’t a cruise – with a SERIOUSLY bad case of urinary tract crystals and is now on a $uper-$pendy diet and with instructions to keep track more/less of “how many cat pee balls are in his box” to make SURE he’s peeing enough) and, last but not least, *I* got sick (stress/allergies/not enough sleep will do that to ya, young padawan).    Srsly, I need a curse breaker pronto!

I still blame the cat pee balls, though (I use clumping litter – cat pees, it clumps)

And then there was Easter.  (I have great leftovers for that curse breaker if they need incentive to, you know, magically appear…)

Oy.  I need a vacay…

But anyway, STC is coming along so do expect a chapter sooner than later God willin’ and the creek don’t rise/animals don’t get sick/I don’t get sick/The Thing That Will Not Wait can actually fucking wait…postage not included, this space intentionally left blank.

Love and cat pee balls,



Due to recent events, my muse has rolled up her flying carpet and taken off into the wild blue yonder.  The holidays took their usual chunk of my time and energy, of course, but the real culprit?  Long story short, I found out that a beloved family member was diagnosed with cancer and within a week of hearing about it (she’d kept it secret – hadn’t told ANYONE – for a long while), she died. 

I’m still reeling.

I hadn’t even gotten used to the idea of her being sick before she’s alluvasudden gone forever.


Erics and Sookies, Godrics and Cara and/or Claudy, Willa…even Sevrin and Stan/Richard…they’re all waiting patiently for my weeping muse to feel safe enough to come back home.  (They’re currently playing Monopoly…not sure how that’s gonna go…Eric1 and Eric2 are hogging all the good properties…)  Even Andre dropped by and gave me an awkward little shoulder pat before making his excuses.  Emma hung out a bit with coffee and sympathy, though – she’s nice like that.

Sevrin just grunted.  I think it was consolingly but I’m not sure, but there was a vampire head-nod involved so I guess it was meant well?    Godric2 offered to deliver unto me the hearts of my enemies and Cara was nodding her head in agreement just a little too seriously, but it was altogether heartwarming.

Sort of.

Pam flung a spendy bottle of pink nail polish at me and told me to cheer up already.

That Pam…

Anyway, just wanted to check in with y’all and let you know what was up…which is to say, not my mood.

Death sucks even when it’s a well-disguised blessing.   Hug your loved ones and keep them close.

As for updates, they’re coming, eventually, when the world rights itself again.  I’m working on things as I can, but the results aren’t very coherent yet.  It will just take some time, and we all know how the FLM can be, right?  She might strike at midnight…or midnight two weeks from now.

(I secretly hope that maybe letting you guys know what’s up will help clear the way for the weeping muse to make her way back home, maybe.)


YUP, THAT, & a short TEASER

It’s been bizzy over here in Meridian-ville, which among other things is also good for those of you who enjoy my scribblings.  So…in this ‘issue’ we not only have the YUP and the “don’t forget THAT I posted these things that WP may not have informed you of” bit, but…there’s also a TEASER for the next Part of One Night.  And I am totally evil-grinning over here, too, cause I know what happens in this chock-full Part…

Continue reading

Poll Bitnez, Not Chapter Yet (so ignore if you’re busy)

Man, you ladies (and gents? We have any gents in the house?) should be writers yourselves!  Your fantastic suggestions have been fun, interesting, and inspired – very creative and imaginative and I can totally see some brilliant backstories being thought up for so many of those names.  Really, people – go pick up a pencil or a keyboard and get to it! 


Now, I don’t know if the poll will close on its own or not – damn thing is smarter than I am – but as of (glances at watch) right now, poll-wise Seb’s in the lead with Richard trailing along in eventual second place. 

But…I’m loving EVERY ONE of the suggestions in the comments!  I should have known better than to pull a poll because now I want to use ALL THE NAMES.

*grumph*  Dude may end up with the longest name in the history of fanfic naming conventions…Well, it IS Texas…and things are always bigger in Texas…

Oh, and here’s the deal about dear ol’ Stan Davis.  Many of y’all mentioned that he was the King of Texas (I ran out of time to reply to individual comments…sorry), and that’s kind of what I’d thought, too – and we were all right…sort of:

In SVM, Stan Davis was the vampire Sheriff of Dallas who does, eventually, become King of Texas much later in the book series (wiki says in book 7), but during this “time frame”, he’s not the king (yet) – still just a Sheriff (which is Godric’s job in the TB version that I’m mostly going with). It’s annoying that the ‘current’ king’s name wasn’t ever given (that I can find at least).

But in TB (where I’m basing the majority of this story), Stan’s just Godric’s mouthy, aggressive lieutenant and to my knowledge no name for the king of Texas was ever given there, either.

So…there’s that, hence this…

Anyway, as for the next installation, I’m already 4,200~ words into it and I’m not even at the half-way mark yet.  Lots of things happen in this Part and apparently these things require lots of parts of speech.  For comparison, the previous Part was around 8,981~ words, give or take.  Warning:  This installation is en route to becoming a monumental bastard with about 12 pee breaks, 2 dinners, and a vacation suggested.

I’m tempted to edit what I’ve written so far as a “”Part1a”” and post hell out of it tomorrow or something.

So that’s where I am.  And if you noticed that I didn’t mention which name/names/conglomeration of even more names I’ll be using, you’re right! *evil grin* You’ll just have to read on…and on…

Hearts and mosquitoes (cause I’m tired of dealing with the fuckers – I mean, really, “Fall” is supposedly scheduled to make its way here on Thursday and it’s still 88*F outside at *checks watch again* now ffs),


Just a wee teaser from my desktop to your…

…whatever you read this on!

Yes, I yet live!  *gonna imagine lots of celebratory noise here*  Summer has been summering right along and taking beaucoups of my time along with it but now that GLORIOUS AUTUMN or FALL or PRE-HALLOWEEN or HALLOWEEN or PUMPKIN or PRETTY-LEAF SEASON (or whatever) is finally (thought to be ever-so-slowly, eventually, hopefully considering we’re still having highs in the 90*s) approaching, in theory I should have more time to write, maybe, hopefully.  (I gotta be all hedgey or the FLM will just laugh at me and flitter off like she loves to do.  She can be a little bitch that way.)

Continue reading

STC, Ch. 29, is up, and new PDFs added

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the PDFs page conveniently listed as “PDFs” in the menus, have a look.  I’m slowly converting posted one-shots and finished fics into – you guessed it – downloadable PDFs for y’all (cause I’m all nice and cool and shit like that).   Converting these fics is a slow-going process done in my spare time (let’s all laugh gaily at the thought of that mythical “spare time” bullshit, shall we?), but I’ll post’em as I do’em so check that page every now and then. (There may be a chance that a multi-chapter fic or three may-just-might be pulled from all sites at some nebulous point in the far-flung future so grab’em if you like’em.)

Anyway, happy reading!

STC banner from Gyllene

As always, let me know what you think!

AWARD SEASON IS UPON US – THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER (It’s just news you’ve probably already heard by now and stuff)

Ok, so as you’ve likely heard, the YWB Awards are  back on again and will cover from April 15, 2015, to August 1, 2016.

Am I supposed to make a list of my stories that would qualify for nomination?  Well, to hopefully make this a bit easier for y’all (and because I’m totally awesome like that),  I did.  Also, I’ve narrowed down the Categories that I might qualify for, too, if you kind folks might want to nominate a story or three or…you know.   The *full* list of Categories is available on the YWB site, of course.

As for dates, I went by the date of the first review on each story.  I can of course check my Dashboard for the specific date/time anything was posted or updated, but since that’s not publicly accessible and the dates of first reviews are…yup, exactly.   That’s the simplest way for my site.

Anyway, here:

Nominate-able (is too a word……now) Fics:

Completed  Multichapters:

Blue Nail Polish (BNP)

The Revealing of Andre (Andre) 

A Parody in Three Acts: A Night in the Life of Andre (yes, that Andre…sorta)



Eric Northman: After the Show (EN: ATS)

One Night 

Sookie Takes Charge (STC)

The Moon  

One Shots:  (Shall We Dance missed it by *THIS* much!)

Playing for Keeps 

The Purveyor  

(There’s always a chance that I may have missed a fic or something, but I *think* I’ve listed everything applicable)

Most Relevant Categories (for my fics):

Hit Me With Your Best Shot Award – Best One Shot

Mr. January Award- Best Lemon – Category for best love/sex scene

The Greatest Love Story – Favorite Story – Category for best story of the year

Rollercoaster Award – Best Angst/Drama/Cliffhangers – Category for those stories that are able to leave you gasping for breath

The Saucy Award – Best Sookie – Category for the Best Sookie

The Viking Award – Best Eric – Category for the Best Eric in a story

The Flying Monkey Award – Best Villain – Category for the best villain, must provide name  (**Do I even *have* good villains?  I dunno…y’all decide, lol**)

Who the Hell Are You Award – Best OC – Category for the best Original Character, must provide name

Pins and Needles Award – W.I.P. story you wait anxiously for updates on – Category for WIP stories only and last update must have been in the dates provided

Best of the Best Award – All Time Favorite Story – Category for the best story of all time. This is the only category with NO time limit. Yes . . . Any story can be nominated for this award.

EricIsMine Award – Favorite Author – Category for your favorite author

Even if you guys absolutely detest my fics, please nominate the writers/fics that you DO like.  The TB/SVM community is a great place to share our written humor, fantasies, and what-ifs, and reader support is a fanfic writer’s coffee-and-donuts.   Nominate well and thoroughly, and let your voices be heard! 


Sevrin (erm, ok, ok: “Aquaman”) gif – I blame 4Padfoot, also, Andre news

So, yeah, I dunno if 4Padfoot made it or found it, but she drew my attention to it and so now I draw yours to it, too…

And it’s a damn good thing that I just finished Andre like 10 minutes before cause my eyes are glued to the magnificence that is Jason Momoa as Aquaman – BUT HE’S REALLY MY SEVRIN…mostly…

Oh, yeah, The Revealing of Andre is FINISHED!!!!!  YES!!!  FINALLY!!!  I’ll give it the once-over and possibly be posting it tonight or tomorrow.  ANDRE IS FINISHED!!!  HE MIGHT EVEN LET ME CONTINUE WITH THIS WHOLE “LIVING” THING AN’ EVERYTHING!!!  (Yeah, he can be a little scary…)

*whew*  It’s only been going on for HOW LONG now?


Enjoy the Sevrin, erm, yeah whatever, gif below compliments in whichever way of 4Padfoot.  (She’s also safe to blame for any lunches left unfixed or dinners left uncooked or chores left undone or…or…or…)  😀

Oh hai Sevrin…unf………………………….


Is this an April Fools’ Day Joke? Cause if not…

HOLE-Y CACA-PANTS…! You guys???  Thank you!!! 

I HAVE THE BEST  READERS EVER!!!  I can’t believe this!! 

A little birdie told me to go look here and because I’m sometimes a little gullible (and I totally trust said sweet little birdie) I did and – srsly:


DID YOU SEE??? DID YOU SEE??? —  DID!! YOU!! SEE!!??? 

You guys make me tear up in the good way!!

(Here are the nominations listed by Category.)

This…this has come at a very good time.  The Spring Frazzles have struck with a vengeance and, well, I’ve come to slightly envy those chickens running around with their heads cut off because at least they can’t see what they’re about to run into, so yeah, this…wow – perfect timing.

Thank you, readers-mine.   Really, thank you.  This has blown me away.  (I can’t believe it – even  TwiFuckery and A Parody in Three Acts are on there!!!  THAT IS FANFUCKINGTASTIC!!!!!  BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!)

Shhh: Cheat sheet:

All-Time Favorite True Blood Fanfic – Blue Nail Polish
Favorite Comedy Fanfic – A Parody in Three Acts
Favorite Comedy Fanfic – TwiFuckery
Favorite Complete Fanfic – Blue Nail Polish
Favorite One-shot Fanfic – Playing for Keeps
Favorite One-shot Fanfic – Shall We Dance
Favorite Risqué Fanfic – Eric Northman: After the Show
Favorite Romance Fanfic – Blue Nail Polish
Favorite Romance Fanfic – Decisions
Favorite Romance Fanfic – Sookie Takes Charge
Favorite Romance Fanfic – The Moon
Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic – Eric Northman: After the Show
Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic – Sookie Takes Charge
Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic – The Moon
Favorite Veteran Author

According to the site, “Voting opens on April 11, 2016”, so, like, don’t forget and stuff.  In the meantime I’ll be sitting over here stunned, shocked, amazed, and most likely STILL grinning like a loon.  (Do loons even grin?  Well, THIS ONE DOES!) 

Check out the other nominees, too – I’m in some truly fantastic company over there.  (*I* just happen to have ALL the best readers, though…sorry, other writers…*my* readers totally freakin’ rock!!)

(How old do ya gotta be before “nanner nanner nanner” becomes TOTALLY inappropriate???  Just askin’ for a friend…)

Check out Gyllene’s nominations, and here is the All-Time Favorites list for True Blood.  Go check it out – there are SO MANY WRITERS listed – it’s like THE “Who’s Who” listing of the year!!

*raises giganto coffee cup*  Eric, Sookie, Godric, Cara, Andre (and Emma, she’s meandering around here somewhere still snickering at the Andre in Three Acts) and I salute you, your kindness, your great taste, your patience, your generosity, and your shimmeringly brilliant fantasticness!  😀



*Random pic of Alex as Tarzan as an after-blog mint*

Alex3 tarzan partial jpeg


Easter-y status-y update-y thing-y

Spring is springing quite frantically ’round these parts which is great and all *achoo* if you like pollen and having to mow the grass in freakin’ MARCH.  At least the dogwoods are blooming like they mean it.

Updates ARE *en route – even for Andre…  Really…they are…  (*notice I didn’t say when…I’m smarter than that.)  Part of the problem is that I’m currently winding up Andre – the next chapter is 95% likely to be the last chapter and it’s always a sad feeling when one of my brain-babies is “all grown up”.  Bluntly, my FLM and I are pouting about it and it’s affecting the other fics.  When you combine mutual pouting with busy-life-shit, sentence creation falls by the wayside.   

(Not that wayside, the other one.  No, no, your OTHER left…)

So, yeah, that’s my excuse.  Did it work???  Pleasesayyes…

Anyway, to all of you wonderful people who celebrate Easter/Spring/Ēostre:  HAPPY BOIL-AND-DYE-AND-HIDE-AND-LOSE-YOUR-EGGS TIMES!!!! 

Really…I’ll be updating soon… 

(Send coffee and Eric and/or Godric stat!)

I yet live (Hi – BNP teaser)

Just a note or two:

1-  HELLO TO MY NEW FOLLOWERS!!  Welcome aboard,  have a look around – you’ll find the strangest things hiding in the strangest places (cause I suck at site organization), and note the Ask Me feature for if you have questions although I’m still available on FF for PMs if you’d rather ask via that route.   You’ll find several things that weren’t posted over on FF, things written specifically for this site, etc.  You won’t get lost no matter what you click on, so click away.  Reviews/comments are always appreciated and I generally do reply to them.

2- Nope, I have NOT forgotten about BNP.  I did cave and am re-doing a portion of the final chapter (I couldn’t resist), but it’s still on like donkey kong, so no worries there.  It should be up in a few days (time permitting), and I’m giving serious thought to a certain outtake (no, it’s not that…no, not that either…ok, maaaybe…nope).  Srsly, you guys could have NO idea what the outtake is about.

In fact, since you glorious readers-mine have been so patient, here’s a teaser:

Sookie rolled over and gazed at the fine features of the Viking dayresting by her side.  The dim light coming from the partially open bathroom door cast a soft light on his beloved features.

Even now she couldn’t believe he was there…or that she was “there”, either.

She smiled.

As seemed to be the case with “all things Eric”, once he had come back into her life things had sped forward at an inhuman clip.

He was the embodiment of glorious pandemonium, and she wouldn’t change a thing about him.

Sookie remembered with more clarity than she liked how at one time she would have resented her Viking’s ability to turn her entire world upside-down.

Now, though… Now she knew that his “chaos” was actually far better organized than she’d realized.

He still turned her world upside-down and probably always would, but she didn’t mind – there was thought to his actions, thoughts and planning and a knowledge of the world and the way it worked that he had and she didn’t.

Sometimes she liked his plans and sometimes, in the past at least, she hadn’t, but Eric was smart and his plans no matter how far-fetched always had at least some sort of reasoning behind them.

His muscular shoulders, visible above the bed coverings, were broad enough to handle the problems he so willingly chose to bear, and his hands, although she couldn’t see them as one was under his head and the other was behind her waist, were more than big and strong enough to handle whatever came their way.

She truly couldn’t think of a single thing she would change about him even if she could.

So…yup, that’s the first part of what is a really, really long chapter (yes, there will be the usual breaks for intermission).

Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week, and you’ll (again, time permitting) hear from me again soon.

Send coffee.


*tosses new BNP Part and hides*

Bribery and guilt trips don’t work.  Honestly.  They don’t.  Not at all.  Nope.  Never.  (*Innocent Look #29*) 

I feel like I should be writing more here but I think I’ve used up all my available words in fic chapters.  I need a refill…so here, go read then leave me lots of comments and reviews.  Maybe I can scrounge some words there.  (*gazes sadly into almost-empty coffee cup…damn thing has a hole in top and needs a refill, too*)

Hope you like it!

BNP huge

And yes, Eric and Sookie – face to face – next Part!  (Yay!!)

Happy Tuesday? EN: ATS Ch 14 is up!

Thank you for your recent consideration as I dealt with the unexpected (although it really shouldn’t have been, but hell, how do you go about “expecting” someone to die?) death of my uncle. 

That event upset my muse a little and impacted, however temporarily, her (and my “her” I mean “my”) ability to focus on chapters for current WIPs.  Part of the reason for the temp. stop was that it caused her to think in a bit of a different way, I guess you could say, in a “mood” that would not have suited any chapter of any current fic I have open.  But…that different “mood”, because it IS so different, sideways-sparked a short new (as yet untitled) story that I’ve almost completed. 


It will be *COMPLETED* (I really wanted to put some pretty fireworks and happy ‘splody things here) before I even post the first chapter.  A story that’s finished BEFORE posting the first chapter???  I’ve heard this can be done, that some writers even do this kind of common-sensical, intelligent thing on the regular!  Oh, I so admire their fortitude and, yeah, their common sense…  😀

Anyway, shit happens, the sun still rises, and life progresses.  Sometimes words are even (somehow…eventually) caused to magically appear on virtual paper.  Hence, EN: ATS Ch. 14!


Eric Northman After the Show Main Banner Pic

It’s a 2-fer…~ish: The Moon, Ch. 22 + a tiny non-fic piece

Ok, I’ll be honest – I started to not post this today since it’s Saturday and I know that most of my readers are busy on the weekends and may not have time to sit down and read, but then I decided that I wasn’t in a withholding mood.  I hope you DO have time to plop your butt in a comfy place and escape for a bit.

The first item is Chapter 22 of The Moon (I kind of think you’ll like this chappie!).  The second is a little non-fic piece you might like – read it if you want, and if you do I hope you enjoy it.

aThe Moon banner

This piece is a, well, it’s a something…a short something:

Death Now Has A Dog…But Still No Head

Enjoy?  Your thoughts, as always, are welcome.


Normally I wouldn’t complain about crap like this to y’all who have by far better things to do than listen to me whine, but I figured (according to PMs, emails, etc…) that some of you kind-ass’d folks might be wondering just where the hell I am.  Therefore, to dispel the (non-existent) rumors, I’m checking in to let y’all know that I have not (yet) fallen off the face of the earth (hush, I can hear you).  I have, however suffered a slight injury of mysterious but painful origin to the last joint of my right hand ring finger.   To make matters even more exciting/whine-worthy, I somehow decided to acquire a splinter – a RECALCITRANT, INVISIBLE splinter – in  my left index/pointer finger just for funsies!  (sarcasm)

My typing fingers appear to be revolting against me.  It seems they are not a fan of my word spewage, ouchy little bastards.  I’m glaring at them mightily (and somewhat condescendingly) as I “hunt and peck” on the keyboard even as I, well, hunt and peck.   Thankfully I give good glare.

(FWIW:  I also apparently have nerves reactivating below an ANTIQUE, ANCIENT scar – ok, so I made the scar when I was in, like, 5th? grade when I accidentally sliced through the meaty side of my palm with a pocket knife.  What used to be numby is now alluvafuckingsudden painful in short but loud {my bad} bursts.)

Anyway, this is just to let y’all know that I haven’t forgotten about you luscious delectable (and rather brilliant) readers-mine, that I haven’t (yet) disappeared from this mudball of a planet…that I’m still around…and that I’m currently whining with surprising efficiency.    I also give good whine.

Thank you for your time.  You may now return to your regularly scheduled whatevs.   I’m going to go whine some more.

(I have, however, perfected the art of dunking Danish butter cookies in my coffee, so that’s a delicious plus!)


It’s up to y’all – POLL TIME

Ok, so, I’m running around like a drunk elf trying to “get things done” (insert lots of bla bla bla about everything that’s going on + WAAHHH HOLIDAZE!!! here) – and boy, am I running behind – I think I even saw my own ass the other day, and ugh, I so need to start exercising (yeah, right…sooo not gonna happen)…  

HOWEVER, I also feel a responsibility toward my readers to not leave y’all hanging any longer than I have to, so…to that effect:


Which story/stories do you most want updated?  Not that I’m promising anything, but this will give me something of an idea of where to at least try to aim my flighty li’l muse.  Whether she cooperates or not is debatable, but  I have half-chapters of ALL of these already dangling precariously from my fingertips.


(TwiFuckery and To Dream Again aren’t listed because those aren’t in the regular ‘rotation’ anyway.)

So, whaddya want?  Now’s your chance to let me know!


~ Just a status update ~

Hello all you awesome readers…if any of y’all are left!

Unfortunately this isn’t a new chapter…of anything – it’s just a notice to let y’all know that I haven’t forgotten ANY of my stories even though it’s been a while since some of them have been blessed with an update.

(I’ve been told that half-written, unposted chapters don’t count which sucks because I have a lot of those!)

Here lately my life has been slightly busier/more insane than usual, and sometimes something has to give. That something, sadly, is usually my writing/creative time. I do what I can as I can, but I absolutely detest trying to force myself to crank out chapters solely to have something to post. I feel that pumping out sub-standard material, or even chapters that I’m not satisfied with, is disrespectful to my readers, the characters, and to the story itself.

I’m of the “if you’re going to do something, do it right” school of thought, which, translated, means: y’ain’t gettin’ nothing new today…but maybe tomorrow.

Just don’t quote me on that.   😉

The other problem is that my muse is a batty little shithead.  On the rare occasions I *do* have time to sit and write, she’s rarely cooperative. She’d rather do just about anything other than muse-up and help keep Eric from being too stoic or Sookie from being flighty or Andre from being pissy…well, pissier than usual…or Emma from being miffed or Godric from being violently angry or Cara from being…too Cara.

You get the drift…

And on a completely unrelated note, I’m now taking applications for a new mu…hey, stop it! Ow!  Dammit! Ok, ok, get your shit together and you can stay ya barmy little bint!

Oi. Muses these days…

Anyway, excuse the tardiness and send coffee. My muse and I are both bribable. It might not buy me more time to actually write, but it’d make us both happy!   😀

Just a few of my *observations regarding sex scenes in the fanfic world…

Here’s a teeny, tiny, itsy-bitsy literary eye-roll I have about some of the “OMGodric – Srsly?” terms, phrases and actions used in fanfic sex scenes.  Don’t get me wrong:  the whole point behind writing fanfic is to FIRST AND FOREMOST enjoy creating a story based on the books or tv show that you love.   But…geez…Godric…:


*Apparently female pussies/sexes/love boxes/cunts (a word I DESPISE!)/muffs/vaginas (it’s VULVA, people…vaginas are on the INSIDE!  *sigh*  Here:

The vulva (from the Latin vulva, plural vulvae, see etymology) consists of the external genital organs of the female mammal.[1] This NSFW article deals with the vulva of the human being, although the structures are similar for other mammals.

Told’ja.) of all species are always permanently gushing  and/or dripping, and, according to male responses, apparently have a strong odor problem.  Perhaps a doctor should be seen for both situations?  Does all that gushing/dripping  pool at their feet?  Won’t they get a fungus from all that perma-moisture?

* Apparently these females are pretty much in perma-heat…but only after meeting the male (or female?) that fate/the fates/nature/some prophesy or other/whatever has chosen for them.  Also apparently, free choice is – at best – barely an option.  But that’s also apparently ok since her pussy/vulva/love box/gushing cavern craves what’s-his-name so much that she’ll “choose” him anyfuckingway. 

*When going down on said male-of-their-dreams, apparently the female is supposed to “swallow all that he has to offer”…  Does that include his wallet?  What about cars?  Jewelry?  Wouldn’t those be hard to swallow?  Is that supposed to sound better than “thick ropes of cold vamp cum slithering down her throat” or something?


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