Slice of Boring Life?

Since nothing big is going on, I thought I’d give y’all a “behind the scenes” look at life here.

As much as I complain about being here, and I do despise it, I want to make sure y’all now that there ARE a few wonderful people who work here. Now, like anywhere else, most workers here are…generic 9-5ers – they do what they gotta do to get that check then go home. They’re ok, I get it.

A thankfully small percentage hate it here and make sure it shows. They’re rude, caustic, lazy, insolent, insulting, “wall holder-uppers”. You know the type… There are several here who just need to work elsewhere – or be flat out fired.

But thank God there are the precious few who have a willing, helpful heart. They are the backbone of institutions like this. Here I WILL name names – fuck the rules, they deserve a mention – Taylor, Angie, Donna, Destiny, and Ellen, thank you for making this hellhole liveable. I wish we could clone a thousand of each of you.

Another thing you might want to know about these kinds of places is that there is no privacy. None. At all. Everyone from housekeeping to administration can just walk right into your SHARED room as they perform the perfunctory knock. They never wait for the inmate to say ” come in”. Oh, no, they all just waltz right on in.

Inmate, erm, resident privacy, dignity, and respect are the afterthought that comes after the actual afterthoughts. We are the lowest of the low – everyone is more important than we are.

I don’t know about other places, but in here there is no division of inmates according to health status or care needs. Screamers, constant babblers, and occasionally violent dementias are housed right alongside, and sometimes in the same room with, the totally bed bound, the dying, and those needing little actual care. Yeah. It’s as bad as you think, and sometimes worse.

Well, I didn’t set out to write a novel so I’ll stop here. This is just what I do when I can’t sleep for worrying about all the house bills and money and when am I gonna get my legs and how my dog is doing now that she’s all alone in the house.

You don’t know how many times I’ve started writing things like this just to give my feelings a place to go. It doesn’t really help, per se, but it doesn’t hurt, either.

Anyway, here is the mandatory PayPal link. Your generosity and kindness are the ONLY income I have until I get back home and SSI kicks in. If I get to place a Wal-Mart order for gum, personal supplies,and deodorant,, it’s because of you fine folks!

Have a good one!


2 thoughts on “Slice of Boring Life?

  1. I wish I could offer good news but I understand and appreciate you taking the time to check in and vent. Our rehabilitation facilities are terrible and I am glad there are some great people there. Always try to find the light in the darkness. Spring is coming and it’s a time for renewal so hopefully that will hold true for you as well. Try to keep your spirits up and write often if it helps you stay sane.


Ahh, you found me. No clue why they stuck me ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE, but see that "Comment" box? Have at it!