Wednesday was the best worst, or worst best, day.

The good part happened first. On Tuesday I received a message on my home phone (why I keep the cable/internet/PHONE “on” while in this crap-zone . It’s speedy af but necessary.) from Carolina Amputee and Orthotics – the place where my legs live. So, I call back after lunch…annd she’s — you guessed it — gone to lunch…

As we likely all know, I have telephone anxiety. I’m pretty much ok AFTER I’m talking, but MAKING that call? Torture. So I call “Sherry” back Wednesday. She’s nice, but more importantly, she’s COMPETENT. She is the one handling my insurance stuff at the leg place. Apparently she couldn’t make heads or tails of my paperwork or the claim denial, etc., so she did the smart thing and called Medicaid, explained everything, and asked THEM what THEY thought she should do to get the claim approved.

Genius!! Call the people who make the decisions and ask THEM what they want!!

LSS, they had her refile it, and by her best guesstimate, she MAY hear back from them “as soon as 7 to 10 business days”. Now I ain’t holding my breath…we all know how this shit goes — we’ve seen this movie before — but its nice to know someone else is on the case.

Light, however faint, at the end of the tunnel is still light, right??

So there I was, walking (rolling?) on sunshine, thrilled with the possible progress, thinking about going home to my cat and dog and recliner and my own bed, when about 3 hours later the proverbial rug was pulled out from under me.

Tosha, my friend who’s taking care of my furbabies and house while I’m wasting my life here, texted me. She walked into my house and found my cat dead.

That killed me. My poor Galen. I hadn’t even gotten to hold him since last June. My poor boy. I’m having a really hard time dealing with this loss.

I feel like he had given up on waiting for me, I mean, he had no reason to think I would ever be home again. As a friend said, he was yet another victim of the system.

It’s hard to explain or describe to people who don’t love animals the way I do, but I feel kind of numb inside, like I don’t have anything else to give. Galen was one of my two main reasons to hurry up and get back home and I can’t help but think that if I’d been there, he’d still be alive and fine. That thought stabs.

This is his grave site now. Tosha and her husband buried Galen for me. Ill never get to hold him or love on him again.

So, yeah the best worst or the worst best day indeed.

And OF COURSE that was NATURALLY the day my PayPal fundraiser expired. Of course.

I hate to put that link in a post like THIS, and I’m currently leaking heart break fluid from my eyes, but unfortunately needs must. I’m so fucking tired of being “the needy one”, of hurting, of missing my little furbabies.

But anyway, here’s the link. Anything you can send will be VERY MUCH appreciated.

That PayPal Link

Bah. I just want to go home and hide in my bed with my doggy and cry. 💔💔💔

Thank you for reading my tale of woe. Y’all really are the best readers and I can’t wait for life to even out so I can get back to it.


Updated Updatey Update. Or something.

So life is strange, y’all. And confusing. And convoluted. And I can’t even blame it all on Mercury being all Retrograd’y and shit. Ok, I mean, I’ll blame most of it on that anyway, but, well, you know. That’s what Mercury is for, right?

See, things have been strange. Case in point, I’ve had a revolving door when it comes to “home health care aids”. My situation is dire enough to warrant someone helping me out at home 2.5 hours a day, 7 days a week. The problem is finding a local/local-ish home care company that not only has available employees, but available employees who are DEPENDABLE and HEALTHY and NOT TOTAL NUTCASES who actually WANT TO WORK. *sigh*

People are weird.

Other Things have been going on, too, things seemingly designed to fuck with my life, so if you have any prayers, positive energy, vibes, good thoughts, anti-hex charms, whatever that you want to send my way, GO FOR IT.

As far as the Sweetest story goes, I’m working on the second chapter wherein we meet another well-known character. I figure some of you will be surprised while others…maybe not? I mean, it’s not like you guys KNOW ME or anything… … … (*insert manic giggling here*)

My foot is *gestures vaguely* footing ever so slowly right along, I guess. It’s just gonna take time. Lots of time. Lots and lots of time. Meanwhile my poor little body keeps getting chonkier and chonkier. Bah.

I still haven’t heard anything from DSS about the SSI claim. I wonder how they expect me to pay my power, water, internet, phone…etc…etc…bills during the unGodly long wait? Oh, that’s right, they figure if they wait long enough people will die and they won’t have to pay?

Fetid twaticles.

To end this on a sweeter note, warm chai tea is awesome! I mean, I love my coffee but sometimes a girl’s gotta have her tea, too, ya know? Lovely little cool snap going on right now – perfect for hot coffee, hot tea, hot chili, etc. Love this kind of weather!

Hugs and HAPPY NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ALLERGY TIMES!! (My b’day is May 5…I don’t think I’ve ever had an unallergic b’day, lol.)


Necessary PayPal Link Here – it IS my only source of income now.

Below, the sweet little doggie is Happy-Barky-girl and the majestic feline is King Galen, lol.


I have news!

And it’s not terrible!!

It won’t be world-shattering and my financial problems are far, far, far from over, but: I’VE BEEN APPROVED FOR MEDICAID!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW I can get my leg socket replaced, get another liner (that fits) and that kind of severely annoying) stuff, not to mention that when I figure out how to get actual transportation to/from doctor’s visits, I might could even see about getting healthy.

If Medicaid will pay for insulin, I might can even get the diabetes under control!!! (Right now I use the cheapie “$25/vial Walmart” stuff when I can but if you don’t have $25 dollars, you still don’t have insulin.) Having to ration insulin, and sometimes do completely without, has already caused a noticeable increase in neuropathy pain and a decrease in my eyesight. Maybe Medicaid will help with that??

The not-so-great news is that Medicaid will not pay for the bills accumulated BEFORE the Medicaid approval date. They would backpay for some things, depending on how recent, but all my previous leg, medical, medical-related, and not bills don’t qualify date-wise, so I’m still on the hook for those.

As well as my regular day-to-day daily-life bills. It doesn’t matter if I’m in “SSI limbo” for months – power, water, phone/internet, and other daily-life expenses (toilet paper, dog food, toothpaste, etc) still have to be bought/paid somehow and I don’t think I have enough body parts left to sell…

That being said, I can’t wait to get the whole Medicaid thing going. I’m sure it will be rife with complicated paperwork and hoops (all gov’t things are), and I still have no transportation lined up (I’ve heard it’s possible but I don’t know the hoops yet that I have to jump through), but yeah.

Oh, and get this: I have to go BACK to the leg-chopper surgeon to get an (another) Rx for a fake leg for Medicaid to pay for it. What, do they think my leg automagically regrew while I wasn’t looking?? It’s a calendar date thing, but still. Like, srsly, is a PROSTHETIC LEG something ANYONE would lie about??? The dr’s office (really nice office workers) knows the deal and we had a good laugh over it when I called them to ask about it all. We agreed that it’s ridiculous.

Anyway, I’m grateful to have something GOOD to tell y’all. I hate being whiny and depressing and only ever having something bad or worse to bring to the table. When I go quiet, it’s because I’m probably in a bad head-space, in a lot of pain, or something else icky and gross and I don’t want to drip my gloom and doom all over you.

Y’all are my sanity, my genuine friends who live in my computer! I want to bring only happiness, some chuckles, a couple sentient spiders, and fun into your life and really wish we could come out and play, have coffee at 1am, share hugs and cake and literally be there FOR EACH OTHER when times are good AND bad. No one would ever understand that you are not JUST “my readers” – you are actually a part of my life that I value very highly.

So, that’s the latest! Hope y’all are doing well, and if you are or not, do let us know. We care. I care.




(She’s cuter than a fake leg, lol)


Ok, so my last post sucked. I was (rightfully? understandably?) *DEEPLY* angstified. Depressified. Surly at the world-ified.

I mean, I still am, sure, but I have had some small measure of success and would far rather THAT be my latest post, so…here.

First let me state that I have very strong phone anxiety. I hate picking up the phone and then talking into it. Phone = foe.

But I managed to make not one, not two, not three, but FOUR calls yesterday.

That’s a win, right?

I had something else to humble-brag about but dang if I can remember NOW what it is/was. Brain fog…I don’t recommend it. It surely wasn’t about my dog’s horrendous, deadly, toxic, foul-miasma farts…

A sad news is that I’ve had to let my homeowner’s insurance die plus I still owe for ALL of last year’s property taxes, both of which hurt. This is my parents’ house, my “mom’s” house. Tears are involved.

Oh, just remembered: the good-ish news is that IF I’m able to jump through all the right hoops juuuuuuust right, I might be able to get a percentage break on THIS year’s taxes. We’ll see, eventually.

Did I mention that I despise paperwork, too?

Cause it’s icky.

The leg guy (Kevin, if you care) is supposed to magically appear on Monday. I need the socket (the part that my liner-encased leg goes down into) replaced (again) because the end of my leg is naturally still shrinking and the (super expensive PLASTIC) socket is too big (again) plus I need a new liner (the thing that goes over my skin and attaches the socket to me) because it’s loosening (too big now plus wearing out) and other generic but expensive leg stuff. But hey, progress, right?

Anyway, I’ll stop nattering in your reader-ear for now. Just thought I’d share my “I’m proud of me” good news now that I had a little.

Remember kiddies: Phones = Foes

Hugs! Y’all keep me sane.





IMHO, the days right before and right after any big-to-you holiday are the important ones. Those are the days filled with excitement, frustration, varying levels of exhaustion, and food, family, and friends. They day before is for the build-up, the preparation and the anticipation and wondering where the batteries are. The day after is for recuperation, the playing with the gifts/the joy of using the gift cards, noshing at will on the leftovers, and wishing some things DIDN’T have batteries.

Both days are for hanging out with the family and friends (and just by yourself when you need a break).

I hope all of y’all have a great Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate, if indeed you DO celebrate some “day” at the end of December. I hope your lives are filled with the comfort, the joy, the sometimes frustration, and the security of having family and friends physically close to you.

I freely admit it – I’m jealous of you. I know exactly how precious, how dear, how…life-saving it is to have family and friends close-by. I miss that. I miss it so I know exactly how important it is and that’s why I srsly hope you guys have it even when it does drive you nucking futs and you want to pull everybody’s hair out.


Still haven’t had that scheduled telephone appointment with the SSI/Disability person yet. It’s not until the 28th. Of course afterward I have absolutely no idea when I’ll hear anything from them or even if I’ll actually fit the right way thorough any of their hoops I’ll have to jump through (that are actively meant to keep people FROM quaifying for gov’t help).

The wait could take literal months (and I’ve heard it can truly take years) and the only money I have to survive on is what you guys donate. Really. I have no other income, at all. You have to get down to the point that you have no actual income BEFORE you can apply, and then you’re expected to live on air for months… until they eventually get around to actually delving into your case.

(My paranoia says that they really do want people to die first so they don’t have to bother with them.)

So there’s that. I guess I’m not supposed to have bills like power, water, credit card, vet, prosthetic, internet/phone/cable (stupid bundle pkg), city/county taxes (that I still haven’t been able to afford to pay this year), etc etc etc… Maybe we poors are expected to live on air and hope?? Ugh.

Paper towels, pet food, and toilet paper are not free either.

Yeah, I’m Madame Scrooge-It this year. I’d be big buddies with that Grinch dude except I’m not at all into green mutant-cat-looking things.

Ok, gonna shut up now and just remind you good people to be a bit more patient, a bit more loving, a bit more huggy with the people in your life – they’re a lot more important than you know…just like the day before and the day after your major holidays.

Stay warm if you’ve been overtaken by the cold wave affecting the US; stay hydrated (indoor heating is so thurstifying!); and have a Very Very Merry WhateverYouCelebrate!



PS: Don’t get Whamageddoned…

PPS: And this cold weather’s gotta go…hurting all over!



Ubiquitous (and updated b/c they have to be redone every so often) PayPal Link

Is No News…News? – Just Askin’ For A Li’l Patience

Ok, y’all – believe it or not (and, yes, in the middle of the shitty chaos that pretends to be my life now), I actually HAVE been rereading Moon to get back into the groove of it.

No, I haven’t started writing yet – but I *have* been refamiliarizing myself with the story (and Sookie’s Amazing Preggo Cravings, lmao). I may also have been being (still love mah twisty verbs) a bit amazed – did *I* write THAT??? Rly?? Awesome!!

Wish I had a “play by play” of the story to keep The Bad (Dae) Guys straight, like, who and where they are and who did what (besides that damn’d evil triplet! – I know where SHE is MWAHAHAH!). But I get caught up reading and forget to take notes (plus brain fog sucks). Eh, if I make big booboos when I eventually DO post, I hope y’all will (kindly? gently?) lemme know?

Unfortunately my attention to it can’t be undivided now – too many other worries going on (mostly money, but also pain/health/life/existential bullshit), but I did want to let y’all know that I *am* trying – I’m pretty sore from life’s constant beat-down now and am not nearly as resilient as I used to be (or, more likely, as I thought I was), but I am trying.

I also wanted to thank you all for all your kind words – they really do mean the world to me. But — did you know that one of the “side effects” of brain fog is thinking that you’ve replied when all you’ve really done is lost the email in the sea of other emails where other things are also lost? Yeah. So please x infinity do NOT read anything into it if I haven’t or didn’t reply to your kind messages/comments. There’s a real damn good chance that I thought I had then got distracted by feeding the cat and then I needed a coffee and because of the coffee needed to crutch it to go pee and oh cookies! and then it was dinner time and where did all the time go and ugh the chicken is still frozen and no I don’t want pasta yet again but… (That may or may not have totally happened more than once…)

You guys ARE the best and I truly DO appreciate your kindness more than you could possibly know. I am YOUR biggest fan, for reals. You already know that life is hard, that it’s a rancid battlefield dotted with landmines and quicksand, that sometimes the unicorns are rabid and sprites and fairies can have some damn sharp teeth, and yet you send me such great encouragement and kindness and thoughts and advice anyway.

Thank you. Srsly.

Anyway, I’ll wrap whatever this is up – just wanted to keep you in the swirly, curly loop – and hope that y’all have a wonderful day! (I really am trying, guys.)



MAH DOGGY HAPPY CAUSE SHE’S SUCH A GOOD GIRL! She has become super-dooper protective of “mommy” after the amputation, bless her 10 (cough*15*cough) lb self!! (Got tired of photos of fake legs – hell, I see the damn thing every day as it is – and Happy is hella cuter!)

It’s Me Again

Ok, so in my brilliance I decided to wait a bit to give any straggling readers a chance to pop in and comment…then a head cold caught me (Why would we CATCH a cold? Seems like a dumb thing to do, ya know, like…who tf is running around CATCHING colds??) so I was singularly unimpressed with the world for a while…then FALL ALLERGIES struck.

NOW that colds have been flung off and the allergies have settled a little and everyone who would comment has done so, WE HAVE RESULTS!

THE WINNER: ANYTHING! LOL! You guys are the best!!

You, my kind, wonderful, kick-ass readers have spoken! I’mm’a have to do a thorough reread complete with note-taking and whatever level of focus my fog-brain will allow, but thankfully I still “feel” the “tone” that first sparked the story. The loneliness they both felt at first, that disconnected feeling they unknowingly shared, that “I have everything I thought I wanted but now that I have it, it’s just not…right” realization that, yeah, they both unknowingly share… Hopefully FLM will agree with me and direct my fingers into heroic feats of FINALLY FINISHING THE STORY.

Is this where I’m supposed to admit that I had the beginnings of a new plot the other day? I mean, it might have been the cold meds or oxygen deprivation or something but…yeah, I had to stop myself from typing the premise out of respect for all the UNFINISHED stories that litter my past like bad decisions made at 2am in questionable Waffle Houses.


Those were the nights…

The 4-minute fries were great but the coffee was awful.

Your reviews, btw, made me smile. And made me a little weepy. All prayers, all good vibes and juju, all good thoughts, are ABSOLUTELY appreciated more than you know. You guys really are a cut above – the true cream of the reader crop. Thank you for that. I don’t deserve it, but I really do appreciate it.

So…gimme a bit to do the reread/notes/playing with the brain-fog, then we’ll see if the FLM returns to roost for a bit. Hey, it’s getting colder (shockingly fast at that!) so maybe she’ll wanna rest on a warm shoulder??

At least it’d give my cats something to stare at…well, one would. The other would want food. Again. The dog would just give me a judgemental side-eye and go back to sleep. She’s old; she’s allowed.

Ok, time to wrap up the meanderings – thank you again for your kindness, your patience, and your support. You all deserve the best and most snuggliest vampires who clean houses AND do the windows!


PS: Now watch, I’ll get part-way through Moon then BAM – inspiration will strike for a totally different story… FLM is truly not a dependable figment…


Obligatory PayPal Fundraiser for Prosthetic and Medical Bills Link Here

Or click the linked photo below – hey, at least it’s a new image!


But I couldn’t figure out how to do one with the wonky layout WP has now.

So, write in the comments (*sigh* if the comment section is actually showing right then – if not, the just refresh until it magically appears…) WHAT STORY YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO WORK ON FIRST.

Yeah, you heard me.

I can PROMISE nothing, nothing at all, but I am definitely interested in finding out which of my WIPs y’all would most like my muse to visit if that FLB will agree to do so.

She hasn’t been around in quite some time what with death and amputations and brain fog and pandemics and personal losses and the fact that, yeah, she’s a flighty little bitch and I don’t blame her a bit... But I need something pleasant to concentrate on. No idea if it will do any good, but hell, nothing else is working.


See, despite my best efforts and prayers and pleas to the universe, my life is going even further down into that damnable shitter – “money” has plummeted to the point that I’m not sure which bill I can pay this month and that gut-twisting panic is taking “mood” and “health” right along with it.

Talk about a hay ride from hell. DO. NOT. RECOMMEND.

Now that I know all too well how cold and cruel the world really is, I desperately need to force my attention elsewhere, especially while I still have power, to try to keep from focusing solely on what a pathetic waste my life is. Keep in mind that whichever fic “wins”, lol, will have to be reread with a fine-toothed comb (why did I make some of my plots so twisty??), so please don’t expect anything soon. Or at all…I know I’m worthless. (FREE ADVICE: DON’T HAVE BAD HEALTH AND BRAIN FOG IN AMERICA.)

And on a totally different and completely unrelated note, anybody got any Cliff’s Notes on my stories?? Inability to focus and concentrate have severely impacted my ability to even remember my plot weavings, much less keep them straight, and THAT RIGHT THERE is the main reason my writing has suffered.

So, if you still have a favorite WIP fic after All This Time (and OMG thank you if you do!!!), please let me know in the sometimes-appearing comments section which one it is, and if there are more than one, please list them in order.

And know that you guys are the best readers a writer could ever have. Yes, I admit it, I still go back and read y’all’s comments and reviews when my soul needs a little nudge. I also know that I’ve lost a lot of readers/followers over time because I’m no longer a productive member of the fanfom, and that’s totally understandable, but to those of you who have stuck by me, who have reached out and become genuine friends with me despite my failures and giganto boxes of whine, you badasses are the fucking BEST. You deserve literal gold for putting up with me and I heartfully appreciate every single one of you.

Ok, I’ll hush up now and wish y’all the best day. Hugs and obligatory PayPal link below as well as a hopefully-appearing comment box…if it decides to show…


(This space intentionally left blank.)

PayPal Link with obligatory photo

v Obligatory Photo v

^ Obligatory Photo ^



So ok it’s not a REAL competition – I don’t have money for a prize anyway, and the “poetry” part is probably suspect as hell, too, but yeah. I have some words written in a poetic-ish fashion and wish to share them with you (apologies).

After you read them (srsly, apologies), I would like to either know what you think (cussin’ is allowed, of course), read what poetical thing you might write in response/opposition/etc., or both. They’re your words, too, so use’em!

So, without further ado’ing, here:


We were young

We were young
We were kings
Rulers of all
Running the streets
We didn’t know
Thought the world against us
Thought we had time
We didn’t know we had it all
We had time
Until we started fading
Until we lost hope
Until we lost the future
We didn’t know we had
Lights falling
Lights falling
Dreams going dark
We lost.


So, whatja think? Do you have your own set of words you’d like to post in the comments?

Anyway, that’s all I got for now. I guess you can tell I’m not in an especially good headspace atm. There’s lots of staring into the middle-distance with a bitter expression going on because that’s totes productive, right? My body is bad; my finances are worse than terrible; my creativity is awful… sigh Ever notice how comforting a thunderstorm can feel?

I hope y’all are doing better. I really do – I’ve “known” some of you for YEARS now. Sure, it’s “just” online, but I remember when I first started posting fanfic that it didn’t take long to start recognizing names of reviewers, to start recognizing who likes what style of story and who appreciated the writer as much as they appreciated the stories, who was especially supportive. It wasn’t difficult at all to develop a sincere appreciation for this one and that one, and to drift from “internet acquaintances” to genuine friends.

Thank you for that!

Hugs and all that mushy mush,






PS: You have no idea how very much I appreciate every single dime anyone has sent my way – your kindness means the world to me and absolutely warms my heart, so please don’t think the fact that I keep this fundraising active means I don’t value every single one of you. I do; it’s just that my situation is that dire. Thank you, for reals – from the bottom of my sweaty, cookie-crumb covered little adolescent heart that still giggles at penis jokes.

THIS IS NOT A STORY/CHAPTER so ignore if you’re busy

Hi Fantastic Fans of the Fandom,

This is just a “the old fundraiser expired so I had to create a new one so here’s the new link” update. Said link is oh-so-very-conveniently located below…for, um, your convenience and, um, stuff.

Oh, wait – I *DO* have a teeny tiny update – I’m using a smaller “liner” now! That’s a good thing – what needs to happen over time is that the “cut off point” of my affected leg (I detest the word “stump” – I AM NOT A CUT TREE!) has to “mature” which means that the flesh at and a ways above the “cut off point” needs to atrophy + release fluids + become more compressed. This takes forever. And yes, it can be pretty painful.

The liner is the silicone/gel/whatever thing that goes next to my skin and has the pin at the bottom that clicks into place to attach and hold the prosthetic leg to me. It’s made of tacky, kind-of-adhesive’y material so that, if it fits properly, it can’t slide or be pulled off my leg. It’s stretchy up to a point but is meant to have a pretty firm hold. It’s what attaches the mechanicals to the fleshy bits.

Compression is good. It’s what helps provide a stable base for walking. I’ve already compressed (shrunk) out of the first “socket” (the wide top part that my leg end goes down into). That first one was huge in large (ha ha) part due to post-traumatic swelling and wound insult, water retention, and because life. My leg guy was kind of shocked by how quickly I shrunk out of it. So anyway that was replaced but the liner…wasn’t.

It’s a money thing – NONE of this stuff is cheap no matter how badly it’s needed.

But…about 2 weeks ago there was no choice – the worn-out, out-of-shape old liner HAD to go. The gaps and ill-fit meant that, because it was so big and stretched out now, it technically COULD lose hold and, unlikely but potentially, release both itself and therefore the rest of the leg. Again, highly unlikely but still a relevant concern, plus the ill-fit made the leg/leg interface even more “wobbly” and “squishy”…not good for stable walking. (Ok, imagine a too-large condom on a less-endowed “staff”…it would still kind of grab onto the skin but wouldn’t necessarily STAY there no matter how much the guy tries to claim it’d fit…)

So eeny way, that’s a yay for me! Yes, there’s still tons of stuff I need or that would make my life at least a little easier to bear, but I will absolutely take the happies when I can find them.

Especially when it means being able to ditch the badly fitting leg condom with the pin in the bottom… *snort*

So, that’s my li’l update. Oh, and the convenient link is conveniently plopped below (have to re-do it because it expires after a little while). Have a great rest of March? (It’s strangely cold here…I don’t mind a bit!)

Take care!





Ok, so y’all know 2020 sucked major ass for a lot of us;  well…2021 has sucked major ass, too, for a lot of us (meaning, well, me at least).

Grab a bevvy and a kitty/puppy/iguana, kick back, and peruse the story of how I lost a leg and found my password.

So…2021 busted 2020 wide open and it’s gonna be a great year, right?


Silly me – I don’t *GET* great years. 

As the months progressed, I kept feeling worse and worse but it was all so gradual that, between anxiety and depression, I never realized just how bad my health was failing.  Sure, I was in a lot of pain and “discomfort”, but then, I’ve always been in a lot of pain and “discomfort”, right, so nothing unusual there.  No red flags were noticed; life such as it was went on.

Then the pain started getting markedly worse, especially in my already-partially-amputated left foot.  Soon enough every single step caused excruciating pain like red-hot blades stabbing from the front of my foot all the way back.

It also hurt when I wasn’t walking on it.

Keep in mind that:

*I live in the U.S. where healthcare is but a dream if you’re an uninsured mortal…
*I suffered from both anxiety and depression…
*I know a lot about some aspects of medical care but by far not everything, and…
*I am diabetic…

The pain and “discomfort” wore on my nerves so badly that at one point I seriously considered just ending it all. 

Instead, because I have cats and a dog, I called 911 (emergency services for my foreign friends) on my ass.  The pain, the “discomfort”, the anxiety and the depression really were that bad, but an angel kicked my ass, reminded me of shit, and made me reach for the phone.

I was admitted on Aug. 4th and wasn’t discharged until Aug. 25th.  I remember small bits and pieces but most of the first two weeks I was in hospital are a foggy blur. 

Amongst other issues, I was diagnosed with Charcot foot and an atrocious UTI.  The X-ray of my foot (what was left of it, remember that about 1/3 of it had been amputated in 2017…) showed a tremendous degeneration of bone mass, and apparently I’m one of those people whose mental processes are severely affected by a UTI.  The foot had been “hurting a little” until it was suddenly unGodly painful; I had no idea about the UTI except for a little lower back pain but who doesn’t have that?

Anyway, things happened and a body part was removed and another body part was disinfected (no wonder that FLM fled the scene – she must have known what was gonna happen and the horrid little beastie never even told me!) and time passed like my left leg.

When I was released, I had nowhere to go, no insurance therefore no rehab facility, no continuing physical therapy, no place to stay, no family I could call upon, nothing.  Even if I had been able to get a ride home from the hospital, I didn’t have a wheelchair I could get to, and even if I had, my house isn’t compatible with wheelchairs and had no one to take care of me.

The reasons for my depression were real and realized.

The angel that guided my hand to my phone provided once again.  I’ve been online friends with a group for well over 15 years now (and I cannot believe it’s been that long but it has) and led a member of that group who lives about 2 hours away to pick me up at the hospital and let me recuperate at her house in another state.

She had to acquire a wheelchair and a bedside toilet for my newly single-legged self to use.  She provided transportation – 2 hours each way – for me to keep my appointments with the surgeon and then to keep appointments with “the leg guy” – the company recommended for the prosthetic leg.

Fake legs are strange animals.  Newly amputated limbs are strange animals.  These two animals do not speak the same language…I’m still on crutches.

Phantom pain is real, and it can hurt like a bitch.  It can also itch.  Right this moment my left toes are hurting.  They vacated the premises back in ’17.

Currently I still have swelling at the amputation site and on above (I’m a “below the knee” amputee in that I have 3-4″ of bone below the knee).  Doc cut the bone up to that point but was able to save a LOT of back calf muscle which he brought forward to cover the cut bone and sewed to the front of my remaining leg.  He was genuinely shocked at how well I did – infection-wise and I guess mentally and emotionally accepting of the new reality – after the surgery.

I don’t miss that portion of my leg.  By the end it not only was painful as all fuckout but wasn’t at all dependable.  The new leg isn’t exactly dependable but with experience and gradual “downsizing” replacements, it will be.  Eventually.  Probably. 

But at least the fake motherfucker doesn’t hurt.

Anyway, while I was stuck in bed for 3 weeks (a terrible time I just don’t feel like revisiting right now), the only computational device I had was my Kindle Fire.  Thank God I had it.  Problem was, I couldn’t remember hardly any passwords ESPECIALLY to…here.

I received a review today and that reminded me just how much I like you beautiful, glorious saints, sinners, angels, and demons.  So I got bright, checked to see if I had the password saved on my browser – annnnd yup, I do!

Voila!  Here I be!

I am still depressed but I’m handling it in a much more responsible way.  I am drinking figurative gallons of fluids a day and monitoring for color and “discomfort”.  I’m getting around in my house very, very slowly and I can’t do much of anything when I’m “up” except crutch along…slowly, but I’m doing it.  I’m focusing on taking my insulin shots when and as I’m supposed to.  And I’m freaking the fuck out about hospital bills, vet boarding bills for 2 cats and a dog for Aug, Sept, and over half of Oct, and the cost of this fake leg (they are VASTLY more expensive than you would EVER think).  It’s all painfully, extortionately, ludicrously expensive.

But I’m alive, for whatever that ends up being worth.

Thank you for listening, for caring, for wondering where the everlovin’ fuck I am, and for reading.  You guys are a bright light in darkened days, the memory of better times, and the hope that they’ll return someday.


If you can and if you want, I do have a PayPal donation site thingie, and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is very much appreciated. 


Ok, you can go pee now and maybe think about letting the doggie out and giving the kitty cats some treats.  Cats love treats.  Wait, so do I…am I a kitty now? Don’t forget the iguana.

Love, peace, and paper towels,


Titles Still Go Here, Right?

Dear Readers-Mine,

To my shocked amazement, I’ve recently received several comments from my beautiful readers enquiring as to my continued existence.

Y’all make my heart sing because I truly thought I’d been, well, not exactly forgotten – more like allowed to just fade away into the beloved ether.

I haven’t been posting anything because it would mainly be whining, complaining, bitching, moaning, and other words ending in -ing that denote general and specific problems with the Universe and y’all just do not need to be brought down by my problems – y’all probably have enough of your own without me adding to it.

But eeenyway…

Ok, fwiw, I still exist.  I’m not the same person I used to be and, honestly, none of us are.  We can’t survive in a global pandemic with all its accompanying mental, financial, physical, and emotional trials and tribulations and NOT be changed in some fundamental way.   It will likely take YEARS for all of us affected by this bullshit to “unpack all this damn baggage”.  The death of a beloved, and last, parent during all this simply makes every single thing infinitely worse.

I won’t wax lyrical (again) about how hard the loss of my last parent has been for me. If you still have your parents and care at all for them, hold them close, get their stories and voices and images down in some permanent way, and if you have already lost one or both…then you already know.

Now, let’s discuss current, relevant life matters that are likely understood by far too many of us if you want. 

Tell me your stories.

You need a place to vent, a place to scream out into the Universe?  Here ya go.  Please, feel free to use my comments section to do just that.  It might/might not change a damn thing but it CAN feel “a bit less bad” when you release your dramas, your heartbreaks, your aches and sorrows and trials to the Universe. Hell, use ALL CAPS if you want – it’s YOUR story.

Me?  I’mma do it right here thus giving you wonderful beings a glimpse into my current life.  Skip to the end if whining/horror bores you.

I’m broke.  I desperately need a job (and the job market is so great, right), only, because of my shitty health, such a joyous thing is not easily attainable.  I need medical care but…no insurance because no job.  I need a work-at-home job because my health is not only laughable but also super-vulnerable – I catch the virus, I die.  The end.  The cats and dog starve because I live alone.  Not a good scenario, right? 

The vaccines are a lovely thing and I would get Shot 1 tomorrow if it were possible but, like many others, my county isn’t being given nearly enough vax – TL;DR = it’ll likely be April or, more likely, May before I can even get Shot 1. 

I still haven’t gotten/likely won’t get that second stimulus payment (that supposedly exists) because of weird loopholes, either.  Oh, and for the shit cookie on top, my car hates me and is possessed by an evil entity that interferes with that whole “battery and ignition” thing.

So, my life sucks ass because of money, health, red tape, stupidity, and evil car entities.

And the cats’ litter boxes need changing again.


However, I am not alone in being handed a shit sandwich followed by a shit cookie.  While some people probably are doing just fine and I am glad for them, there are multitudes of us who aren’t. 

So, let’s commiserate.   There is an odd power in unity even when it’s “just” online.   I might not be able to help y’all financially but I can certainly give you a safe place to vent and hopefully some mental/emotional comfort, too. 

Y’all truly are the best and definitely deserve all good things.   Consider yourselves hugged and mauled by puppies and kittens (and baby dragons and unicorns if you’re into that sort of thing)(lol).

WP sure has changed, man…hope this posts right and that the comments section is actually still enabled!


Love y’all!


*Happy Thanksgiving/Turkey Day/Thursday! *not a chapter

*although updates will be mysteriously appearing sooner than later along with the ubiquitous gripe/complain section*

Whether you’re celebrating? observing? American Thanksgiving, Turkey Day, or just-plain-Thursday, I hope you’re surrounded by beloved family, friends, and pets, that all those dearest to you are hale, whole, and hearty, that you genuinely do have much to be thankful for, and that you have a fire in your heart and antacids for the one in your belleh from eating way too much.

Maybe that last bit’s just me…

Hearts and stuffin’,


**PS:  And you gotta know that Eric’s wee li’l spider is all full, fat ‘n happy in the corner of Gran’s kitchen where she’s turned out the most amazing Thanksgiving dinner ever complete with *two* different pumpkin and *two* different pecan pies (she’s in an experimenting mood, you know), and this year she even made her company-quality cherry-almond torte ‘special for Lala (an’ Jason don’t-mind-if-he-do…he’s good like that).  She invited him to join her an’ Jason because she didn’t want him to be alone, and she’s missin’ Sookie somethin’ awful.  It’s sad that she’s surprised by just how much she’s missin’ that girl and hopes she can see her soon.   Jason, well, he’s always been a bit smarter than he wanted people to figure out so he’s watchin’ the proceedin’s with an “it’s about time” gleam in his pretty, pretty eyes…but that ain’t stoppin’ his elbow from bendin’, though…not much would, come to think…  Lala’s noticing and thinking the same things just with more cussin’ involved, and while he’s appreciative of the invite – Gran’s a fantastic cook, after all, and cooks do get right tired of cookin’ their own eats after a while – he’s glad that Gran somehow managed to figure a few things out about life before it’s too late.  Now, about that cherry-almond torte…

Just a THANK YOU!/update/other words

Here – catch:  a heart-felt (and probably painfully loud so you might wanna step back a bit…a little more…a little…ok, that should be about right) THANK YOU!!! to everyone who has donated to the GoFundMe!!!!

You are the very BEST readers and I absolutely appreciate every single one of you anyway, but your response to the GFM has truly blown me away.  Your support really does mean the world to me.

(I didn’t set the account up so I don’t know how GFM works so I don’t know how to individually thank the fantastic people who donated but I did want to thank you guys somehow!)

A better THANK YOU!!??


The campaign has not ended.  I still have to go for daily super-strong antibiotic IVs (“infusions” or if you wanna be all medical, “infusion therapy”), bi- and sometimes tri-weekly doctor (usually nurse) appointments, and I have at least one (probably two but I’m hoping the dr forgets) more surgeries in my future.  (Oh, the joy.)  Bluntly, I’m doing a LOT better health-wise but I ain’t out of the woods yet – it was just *that* bad, previously. 

Here’s the handy-dandy link in case someone’s won the lottery:

Fic-wise, I *have* been thinking about my stories, especially The Moon and One Night.  Thinking…but not writing yet.   You’d think having to remain off my foot (and in/on bed/chair/wheelchair as I’m STILL not allowed to put ANY pressure on my foot AT ALL) for 23.5 hours a fucking day would be conducive to writing, however…it is not.  I’m still too damn frustrated over all this mess *to* concentrate effectively on all the ins and outs of my fics. 

(Why did I have to go and make them so dang complicated?  Granted they’re not nearly as complex as many of our other writers’ plots are, but still…*grumph*)

I did want you to know that I have not forgotten my fics, and I haven’t forgotten you guys, either.  This health mess is just taking for-freakin’-ever to resolve.  But it’s getting there.


Thank you again, and I really appreciate your patience, your kind support, and of course if, your hard-earned cash.   (You knew I was blunt, right?  I mean, rly, you knew this already, right? *innocent face*)



Happy Friday! Notice of possibilities…

Happy Friday – hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!! 

Other than that, this post is mainly to ask who all might be interested in, say, Godric’s thoughts?  Maaaaaybe…a mini-Part, possibly a Part 2.5, that might-just-maybe be posted on Monday God willing and the creeks don’t rise?


(I have trees falling around my house for no valid-to-me reason so it’s a valid-ish concern…validly…)

So —– let me know if you want a peek into Godric’s mind/life?

And, one last thing before I do the princess wave:  I posted this little piece to the blog sometime last week.  It’s NOT AT ALL fic related, but kind of suits the changing of the season.

Click the pretty pic, and y’all have a great weekend!



Poll Bitnez, Not Chapter Yet (so ignore if you’re busy)

Man, you ladies (and gents? We have any gents in the house?) should be writers yourselves!  Your fantastic suggestions have been fun, interesting, and inspired – very creative and imaginative and I can totally see some brilliant backstories being thought up for so many of those names.  Really, people – go pick up a pencil or a keyboard and get to it! 


Now, I don’t know if the poll will close on its own or not – damn thing is smarter than I am – but as of (glances at watch) right now, poll-wise Seb’s in the lead with Richard trailing along in eventual second place. 

But…I’m loving EVERY ONE of the suggestions in the comments!  I should have known better than to pull a poll because now I want to use ALL THE NAMES.

*grumph*  Dude may end up with the longest name in the history of fanfic naming conventions…Well, it IS Texas…and things are always bigger in Texas…

Oh, and here’s the deal about dear ol’ Stan Davis.  Many of y’all mentioned that he was the King of Texas (I ran out of time to reply to individual comments…sorry), and that’s kind of what I’d thought, too – and we were all right…sort of:

In SVM, Stan Davis was the vampire Sheriff of Dallas who does, eventually, become King of Texas much later in the book series (wiki says in book 7), but during this “time frame”, he’s not the king (yet) – still just a Sheriff (which is Godric’s job in the TB version that I’m mostly going with). It’s annoying that the ‘current’ king’s name wasn’t ever given (that I can find at least).

But in TB (where I’m basing the majority of this story), Stan’s just Godric’s mouthy, aggressive lieutenant and to my knowledge no name for the king of Texas was ever given there, either.

So…there’s that, hence this…

Anyway, as for the next installation, I’m already 4,200~ words into it and I’m not even at the half-way mark yet.  Lots of things happen in this Part and apparently these things require lots of parts of speech.  For comparison, the previous Part was around 8,981~ words, give or take.  Warning:  This installation is en route to becoming a monumental bastard with about 12 pee breaks, 2 dinners, and a vacation suggested.

I’m tempted to edit what I’ve written so far as a “”Part1a”” and post hell out of it tomorrow or something.

So that’s where I am.  And if you noticed that I didn’t mention which name/names/conglomeration of even more names I’ll be using, you’re right! *evil grin* You’ll just have to read on…and on…

Hearts and mosquitoes (cause I’m tired of dealing with the fuckers – I mean, really, “Fall” is supposedly scheduled to make its way here on Thursday and it’s still 88*F outside at *checks watch again* now ffs),


Regarding downloadable .pdfs:

Before I go through all the hassle (Anticipating has 41 chapters PLUS side stories…  Andre?  50…), I gotta ask:  would you fantastic readers-mine even BE interested in downloadable copies of my magnificent (or whatever) fics?

In the past, several truly thoughtful readers have asked if they could make .mobis or .pdfs, etc., to read at their leisure and I’ve always given the go-ahead but had never actually thought about making them.

Anyway, just to see how the process went and to see if I could post them for y’all here on WP (which does not allow me to post .mobi files, btw, but Online Convert can do that for ya for free after you download this version), and to test interest,  I decided to go ahead and post the .pdf to Blue Nail Polish.

In the menus, the page for these (potential) files is listed under PDFs (I know, so original, right?), but here’s the handy-dandy link for if you want to read my BNP words while you’re getting your oil changed and your tires rotated or while you’re waiting for the progeny to finish with practice or…

PDF large

Let me know if it downloads the way it should.


AWARD SEASON IS UPON US – THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER (It’s just news you’ve probably already heard by now and stuff)

Ok, so as you’ve likely heard, the YWB Awards are  back on again and will cover from April 15, 2015, to August 1, 2016.

Am I supposed to make a list of my stories that would qualify for nomination?  Well, to hopefully make this a bit easier for y’all (and because I’m totally awesome like that),  I did.  Also, I’ve narrowed down the Categories that I might qualify for, too, if you kind folks might want to nominate a story or three or…you know.   The *full* list of Categories is available on the YWB site, of course.

As for dates, I went by the date of the first review on each story.  I can of course check my Dashboard for the specific date/time anything was posted or updated, but since that’s not publicly accessible and the dates of first reviews are…yup, exactly.   That’s the simplest way for my site.

Anyway, here:

Nominate-able (is too a word……now) Fics:

Completed  Multichapters:

Blue Nail Polish (BNP)

The Revealing of Andre (Andre) 

A Parody in Three Acts: A Night in the Life of Andre (yes, that Andre…sorta)



Eric Northman: After the Show (EN: ATS)

One Night 

Sookie Takes Charge (STC)

The Moon  

One Shots:  (Shall We Dance missed it by *THIS* much!)

Playing for Keeps 

The Purveyor  

(There’s always a chance that I may have missed a fic or something, but I *think* I’ve listed everything applicable)

Most Relevant Categories (for my fics):

Hit Me With Your Best Shot Award – Best One Shot

Mr. January Award- Best Lemon – Category for best love/sex scene

The Greatest Love Story – Favorite Story – Category for best story of the year

Rollercoaster Award – Best Angst/Drama/Cliffhangers – Category for those stories that are able to leave you gasping for breath

The Saucy Award – Best Sookie – Category for the Best Sookie

The Viking Award – Best Eric – Category for the Best Eric in a story

The Flying Monkey Award – Best Villain – Category for the best villain, must provide name  (**Do I even *have* good villains?  I dunno…y’all decide, lol**)

Who the Hell Are You Award – Best OC – Category for the best Original Character, must provide name

Pins and Needles Award – W.I.P. story you wait anxiously for updates on – Category for WIP stories only and last update must have been in the dates provided

Best of the Best Award – All Time Favorite Story – Category for the best story of all time. This is the only category with NO time limit. Yes . . . Any story can be nominated for this award.

EricIsMine Award – Favorite Author – Category for your favorite author

Even if you guys absolutely detest my fics, please nominate the writers/fics that you DO like.  The TB/SVM community is a great place to share our written humor, fantasies, and what-ifs, and reader support is a fanfic writer’s coffee-and-donuts.   Nominate well and thoroughly, and let your voices be heard! 


Sevrin (erm, ok, ok: “Aquaman”) gif – I blame 4Padfoot, also, Andre news

So, yeah, I dunno if 4Padfoot made it or found it, but she drew my attention to it and so now I draw yours to it, too…

And it’s a damn good thing that I just finished Andre like 10 minutes before cause my eyes are glued to the magnificence that is Jason Momoa as Aquaman – BUT HE’S REALLY MY SEVRIN…mostly…

Oh, yeah, The Revealing of Andre is FINISHED!!!!!  YES!!!  FINALLY!!!  I’ll give it the once-over and possibly be posting it tonight or tomorrow.  ANDRE IS FINISHED!!!  HE MIGHT EVEN LET ME CONTINUE WITH THIS WHOLE “LIVING” THING AN’ EVERYTHING!!!  (Yeah, he can be a little scary…)

*whew*  It’s only been going on for HOW LONG now?


Enjoy the Sevrin, erm, yeah whatever, gif below compliments in whichever way of 4Padfoot.  (She’s also safe to blame for any lunches left unfixed or dinners left uncooked or chores left undone or…or…or…)  😀

Oh hai Sevrin…unf………………………….


Easter-y status-y update-y thing-y

Spring is springing quite frantically ’round these parts which is great and all *achoo* if you like pollen and having to mow the grass in freakin’ MARCH.  At least the dogwoods are blooming like they mean it.

Updates ARE *en route – even for Andre…  Really…they are…  (*notice I didn’t say when…I’m smarter than that.)  Part of the problem is that I’m currently winding up Andre – the next chapter is 95% likely to be the last chapter and it’s always a sad feeling when one of my brain-babies is “all grown up”.  Bluntly, my FLM and I are pouting about it and it’s affecting the other fics.  When you combine mutual pouting with busy-life-shit, sentence creation falls by the wayside.   

(Not that wayside, the other one.  No, no, your OTHER left…)

So, yeah, that’s my excuse.  Did it work???  Pleasesayyes…

Anyway, to all of you wonderful people who celebrate Easter/Spring/Ēostre:  HAPPY BOIL-AND-DYE-AND-HIDE-AND-LOSE-YOUR-EGGS TIMES!!!! 

Really…I’ll be updating soon… 

(Send coffee and Eric and/or Godric stat!)

I yet live (Hi – BNP teaser)

Just a note or two:

1-  HELLO TO MY NEW FOLLOWERS!!  Welcome aboard,  have a look around – you’ll find the strangest things hiding in the strangest places (cause I suck at site organization), and note the Ask Me feature for if you have questions although I’m still available on FF for PMs if you’d rather ask via that route.   You’ll find several things that weren’t posted over on FF, things written specifically for this site, etc.  You won’t get lost no matter what you click on, so click away.  Reviews/comments are always appreciated and I generally do reply to them.

2- Nope, I have NOT forgotten about BNP.  I did cave and am re-doing a portion of the final chapter (I couldn’t resist), but it’s still on like donkey kong, so no worries there.  It should be up in a few days (time permitting), and I’m giving serious thought to a certain outtake (no, it’s not that…no, not that either…ok, maaaybe…nope).  Srsly, you guys could have NO idea what the outtake is about.

In fact, since you glorious readers-mine have been so patient, here’s a teaser:

Sookie rolled over and gazed at the fine features of the Viking dayresting by her side.  The dim light coming from the partially open bathroom door cast a soft light on his beloved features.

Even now she couldn’t believe he was there…or that she was “there”, either.

She smiled.

As seemed to be the case with “all things Eric”, once he had come back into her life things had sped forward at an inhuman clip.

He was the embodiment of glorious pandemonium, and she wouldn’t change a thing about him.

Sookie remembered with more clarity than she liked how at one time she would have resented her Viking’s ability to turn her entire world upside-down.

Now, though… Now she knew that his “chaos” was actually far better organized than she’d realized.

He still turned her world upside-down and probably always would, but she didn’t mind – there was thought to his actions, thoughts and planning and a knowledge of the world and the way it worked that he had and she didn’t.

Sometimes she liked his plans and sometimes, in the past at least, she hadn’t, but Eric was smart and his plans no matter how far-fetched always had at least some sort of reasoning behind them.

His muscular shoulders, visible above the bed coverings, were broad enough to handle the problems he so willingly chose to bear, and his hands, although she couldn’t see them as one was under his head and the other was behind her waist, were more than big and strong enough to handle whatever came their way.

She truly couldn’t think of a single thing she would change about him even if she could.

So…yup, that’s the first part of what is a really, really long chapter (yes, there will be the usual breaks for intermission).

Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week, and you’ll (again, time permitting) hear from me again soon.

Send coffee.


Brag and Question Time

First up:  brag time (cause that’s how I roll)!

I have some of the very best friends in the fanfic’ing biz, y’all.  If you saw my previous post announcing STC’s Ch. 20, you’ll remember how I made a pitiful attempt at making a banner, right?  Well…me and my big mouth…

Guess what…..

(Ok, ok, I’ll get on with it, geez y’all are impatient!)


Going in order of magical appearance (srsly, these ladies have magic in their mice!):

Lookie what Kittyinaz made me!!


Lookie what Gyllene made me!!

STC banner from Gyllene


Now for the question portion of the evening:  Ok, I plan on having Eric and Sookie play 20 Questions, right?  A couple of weeks ago I was trying to cough up these questions and, well, the ones I came up with were unremarkable at best (more like “butt-ass boring”). 

The scene will have Pam (she’s good in STC, fucking clueless sometimes, but basically good) suggesting to Eric that he and Sookie get their 20 Questions on…which is great and awesome…but what the hell are the questions gonna be???

That, my dears, is where YOU come in.    I’d love to hear YOUR suggestions of the kinds of real questions Eric and Sookie might ask each other in a situation where they are honestly and seriously, and sometimes humorously, trying to get to know each other.  I’m looking for serious questions, and I’m also looking for funny and/or witty questions. 

In my head I see some of these questions coming from “Pam” – most of which Eric will refuse to ask Sookie because of their snark/smut content, that sort of thing,  and he will “replace” those questions with his own more realistic ones, and some will have come from “Eric” to begin with. 

(He’s going to surprise Sookie with this to show her that he really does want to get to know her better.  He’s awesome like that…)  *sigh*

Sookie will naturally love this scenario and will come up with her own questions to ask Eric…so yeah, I’ll need some of those, too.

So, lay some Eric to Sookie and Sookie to Eric questions on me and if they’ll work in the scene, Imma be usin’ them.

Thanks, and srsly, love my new banners…!  😀





Normally I wouldn’t complain about crap like this to y’all who have by far better things to do than listen to me whine, but I figured (according to PMs, emails, etc…) that some of you kind-ass’d folks might be wondering just where the hell I am.  Therefore, to dispel the (non-existent) rumors, I’m checking in to let y’all know that I have not (yet) fallen off the face of the earth (hush, I can hear you).  I have, however suffered a slight injury of mysterious but painful origin to the last joint of my right hand ring finger.   To make matters even more exciting/whine-worthy, I somehow decided to acquire a splinter – a RECALCITRANT, INVISIBLE splinter – in  my left index/pointer finger just for funsies!  (sarcasm)

My typing fingers appear to be revolting against me.  It seems they are not a fan of my word spewage, ouchy little bastards.  I’m glaring at them mightily (and somewhat condescendingly) as I “hunt and peck” on the keyboard even as I, well, hunt and peck.   Thankfully I give good glare.

(FWIW:  I also apparently have nerves reactivating below an ANTIQUE, ANCIENT scar – ok, so I made the scar when I was in, like, 5th? grade when I accidentally sliced through the meaty side of my palm with a pocket knife.  What used to be numby is now alluvafuckingsudden painful in short but loud {my bad} bursts.)

Anyway, this is just to let y’all know that I haven’t forgotten about you luscious delectable (and rather brilliant) readers-mine, that I haven’t (yet) disappeared from this mudball of a planet…that I’m still around…and that I’m currently whining with surprising efficiency.    I also give good whine.

Thank you for your time.  You may now return to your regularly scheduled whatevs.   I’m going to go whine some more.

(I have, however, perfected the art of dunking Danish butter cookies in my coffee, so that’s a delicious plus!)


More TwiFuckery Parody Crack-Fic anyone? Huh?

Again, seriously:  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. 

Also, if you’re of a thin-skinned or easily offended, hurt, butt-hurt, or pissed off nature, you might want to skip this “story”. 

Ok, I just hurt something laughing at the idea of this collection of “chapters” being considered anything NEAR a story…  It’s a load of pure crack/parody crap – I’ll totally and absolutely admit that.  And I’ll also totally own the fact that this mess is absolutely meant to mock, poke fun at, and draw attention to some of the more absurd “plots” and themes running rabidly rampant through out several fandoms – but never the writers themselves.

Let us be clear on this:  I am not mocking, et al., the writers – just some of the crap that escapes their brains via their keyboards.

Enjoy, have a laugh, commiserate, add your own peeves in the comments, or ignore the hell out of it – totally up to you, my friends. 

R Putz1 3

Yeah, well… He Had Your Eyes (complete one-shot)

So, yeah, I kind of committed a one-shot again.  This time, think “The Moon” but lighter, simpler, and COMPLETE.   You know me and E/S HEAs…

Now, I do have to say that a little birdie (possibly, ok, actually named Gyllene) has hinted strongly that she’ll have her own one-shot – it’s farkin’ awesome, btw! – coming out in the next couple days, so BOLO for it! 

And now, without further ado since there’s plenty of ado’ing in the usual A/N:


The above banner is by that same little birdie!  😀   Isn’t she amazing??

Annnnnd now…back to writing on the regulars!  Hope you enjoy this detour?