I yet live (Hi – BNP teaser)

Just a note or two:

1-  HELLO TO MY NEW FOLLOWERS!!  Welcome aboard,  have a look around – you’ll find the strangest things hiding in the strangest places (cause I suck at site organization), and note the Ask Me feature for if you have questions although I’m still available on FF for PMs if you’d rather ask via that route.   You’ll find several things that weren’t posted over on FF, things written specifically for this site, etc.  You won’t get lost no matter what you click on, so click away.  Reviews/comments are always appreciated and I generally do reply to them.

2- Nope, I have NOT forgotten about BNP.  I did cave and am re-doing a portion of the final chapter (I couldn’t resist), but it’s still on like donkey kong, so no worries there.  It should be up in a few days (time permitting), and I’m giving serious thought to a certain outtake (no, it’s not that…no, not that either…ok, maaaybe…nope).  Srsly, you guys could have NO idea what the outtake is about.

In fact, since you glorious readers-mine have been so patient, here’s a teaser:

Sookie rolled over and gazed at the fine features of the Viking dayresting by her side.  The dim light coming from the partially open bathroom door cast a soft light on his beloved features.

Even now she couldn’t believe he was there…or that she was “there”, either.

She smiled.

As seemed to be the case with “all things Eric”, once he had come back into her life things had sped forward at an inhuman clip.

He was the embodiment of glorious pandemonium, and she wouldn’t change a thing about him.

Sookie remembered with more clarity than she liked how at one time she would have resented her Viking’s ability to turn her entire world upside-down.

Now, though… Now she knew that his “chaos” was actually far better organized than she’d realized.

He still turned her world upside-down and probably always would, but she didn’t mind – there was thought to his actions, thoughts and planning and a knowledge of the world and the way it worked that he had and she didn’t.

Sometimes she liked his plans and sometimes, in the past at least, she hadn’t, but Eric was smart and his plans no matter how far-fetched always had at least some sort of reasoning behind them.

His muscular shoulders, visible above the bed coverings, were broad enough to handle the problems he so willingly chose to bear, and his hands, although she couldn’t see them as one was under his head and the other was behind her waist, were more than big and strong enough to handle whatever came their way.

She truly couldn’t think of a single thing she would change about him even if she could.

So…yup, that’s the first part of what is a really, really long chapter (yes, there will be the usual breaks for intermission).

Anyway, I hope y’all are having a great week, and you’ll (again, time permitting) hear from me again soon.

Send coffee.


20 thoughts on “I yet live (Hi – BNP teaser)

  1. ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
    Is that enough? Do we get the chapter now?!
    How about now?


    Sorry, guess I’m feeling puckish this morning. 😜 The teaser looks wonderful. Hmm…..Viking hands…..mmmm….and shoulders….

    Guess I’m easily distracted this morning too!


  2. Loved the tease & can’t wait till you have the time to post the rest. As always, here’s some virtual Dunkin’ Donuts for you! You need never ask! Consider it done with every reply! 🙂


  3. Dunkin’ Donuts always does! That’s the best part of my wakin’ up! Screw that other stuff!
    I haven’t made it to the full chapter yet! I’m catching up after being sick. I’m sure it’s great! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

Ahh, you found me. No clue why they stuck me ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE, but see that "Comment" box? Have at it!