…well, I’m still waiting on the call, lol.

Ain’t that life? My whole life revolves around what’s said therefore I’m still…waiting.


So summer has hit with a bang here in NC’ville, how about for y’all? This directly affects me because I spend as much time as I can outside. I’m not one to sit around staring at 4 walls… I don’t have a tv (permanently bed-bound, paralyzed roommate does and her sister has it set on the Hallmark love story channel…24 hours a day…guess who despises Hallmark love stories…)

Ennyway, so…outside is best. Its also quieter out here. The screamers, yellers, hollerers, moaners, and groaners stay inside, lol. They go at it, off and on, 24 hours a day. Fun!!! Gaagh.

(It also smells better outside…)

So outside it is.

How about y’all??

No IN the sun, though, cause ouch.

Now, here’s a thing I posted elsewhere that I wanted to share here. Feel free to add to it and/or pass along.

Thinky Thoughts

If you have to place someone you actually like, much less love, in a rest/nursing/rehab home…

First: don’t, unless you ABSOLUTELY MUST. But if so, read on.

Make sure you write or sticky label EVERYTHING they have there. Things have a habit of growing legs and it’s usually not to other inmates.

Ensure they have their own decent shampoo, body wash, deodorant/antiperspirant, toothbrush, toothpaste, dry shampoo, face/body lotion/cream, etc. because the facility will barely (and grudgingly) provide the very cheapest, harshest versions of these things.

Same goes for bandaids, wraps, and other things made by Bandaid, Curad, etc. (The bandaids barely stick 2 hours…)

The food will be generally unpalatable at best. They choose to purchase the very cheapest lots from food supply/delivery warehouses. Plan on bringing your loved one lots of…everything. Often. (I would kill to be able to afford delivery sometimes.)

Same goes for drinks. There is no sort of “beverage center” unless you count vending machines. Here “drinks” are served with the meal – a half cup container of super sweet oj and a half cup of watered down, super sweet cranberry juice, decaf coffee, and milk..lunch has watered down (un for me) sweet tea, decaf coffee, or milk…same for dinner. But you can have all the water you want!! So if your person likes sodas, juice, juice drinks, actual coffee, teas, etc., you will have to provide them plus cash for the machines.

If your person has to use glorified diapers, plan on providing those, too. What they expect inmates to use is of the thinnest and cheapest “quality” imaginable.

Same with the tissues. The boxes are less than half the thickness and a couple inches shorter than Kleenexes. Srsly.

If your person has pets, you now have them.

The end.

I could go on…and on…but I figure you’re tired of reading by now.

All I can say is that people with caring, mobile family are incredibly lucky — they have an “outside” advocate and are treated exponentially better, plus they get KFC and Arby’s when they want, lol. I imagine having someone come visit for an hour would be amazing but I do love getting cards!

And tag – you’re it! If you think of something to add, please do. Your mileage may vary.


So my status hasn’t changed. Still broke and legless. Wheee!!!! Not. Sigh.

**waves with a shrug**

Well wishes definitely appreciated. And, honestly, donations, too. Bah. I hate asking.


Ubiquitous PayPal link

Remember, I now have absolutely no money at all so what I do have comes directly from donations. Than you from the bottom of my shriveled li’l heart!

So there’s that.

Happy Coffeeying.

Bye again.



I have news!

And it’s not terrible!!

It won’t be world-shattering and my financial problems are far, far, far from over, but: I’VE BEEN APPROVED FOR MEDICAID!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW I can get my leg socket replaced, get another liner (that fits) and that kind of severely annoying) stuff, not to mention that when I figure out how to get actual transportation to/from doctor’s visits, I might could even see about getting healthy.

If Medicaid will pay for insulin, I might can even get the diabetes under control!!! (Right now I use the cheapie “$25/vial Walmart” stuff when I can but if you don’t have $25 dollars, you still don’t have insulin.) Having to ration insulin, and sometimes do completely without, has already caused a noticeable increase in neuropathy pain and a decrease in my eyesight. Maybe Medicaid will help with that??

The not-so-great news is that Medicaid will not pay for the bills accumulated BEFORE the Medicaid approval date. They would backpay for some things, depending on how recent, but all my previous leg, medical, medical-related, and not bills don’t qualify date-wise, so I’m still on the hook for those.

As well as my regular day-to-day daily-life bills. It doesn’t matter if I’m in “SSI limbo” for months – power, water, phone/internet, and other daily-life expenses (toilet paper, dog food, toothpaste, etc) still have to be bought/paid somehow and I don’t think I have enough body parts left to sell…

That being said, I can’t wait to get the whole Medicaid thing going. I’m sure it will be rife with complicated paperwork and hoops (all gov’t things are), and I still have no transportation lined up (I’ve heard it’s possible but I don’t know the hoops yet that I have to jump through), but yeah.

Oh, and get this: I have to go BACK to the leg-chopper surgeon to get an (another) Rx for a fake leg for Medicaid to pay for it. What, do they think my leg automagically regrew while I wasn’t looking?? It’s a calendar date thing, but still. Like, srsly, is a PROSTHETIC LEG something ANYONE would lie about??? The dr’s office (really nice office workers) knows the deal and we had a good laugh over it when I called them to ask about it all. We agreed that it’s ridiculous.

Anyway, I’m grateful to have something GOOD to tell y’all. I hate being whiny and depressing and only ever having something bad or worse to bring to the table. When I go quiet, it’s because I’m probably in a bad head-space, in a lot of pain, or something else icky and gross and I don’t want to drip my gloom and doom all over you.

Y’all are my sanity, my genuine friends who live in my computer! I want to bring only happiness, some chuckles, a couple sentient spiders, and fun into your life and really wish we could come out and play, have coffee at 1am, share hugs and cake and literally be there FOR EACH OTHER when times are good AND bad. No one would ever understand that you are not JUST “my readers” – you are actually a part of my life that I value very highly.

So, that’s the latest! Hope y’all are doing well, and if you are or not, do let us know. We care. I care.




(She’s cuter than a fake leg, lol)