Need a short, li’l (LI’L) laugh? Then proceed…

You know how friends can get together and start talking and then something happens and then someone brings out the virtual knitted cock and ball heating device?  The peter heater?  The warmer for the performer?


Yeah.  It happens, ok?

Read on – the crack-fic awaits…

(Fair warning:  There’s also the likelihood that the hoodlums noted below the forthcoming micro-fic may also write something of the sort, so keep your eyes open and/or your running shoes on!)


8 thoughts on “Need a short, li’l (LI’L) laugh? Then proceed…

  1. Pingback: Need a short, li’l (LI’L) laugh? Then proceed… | Harley's thoughts

  2. Reblogged this on A Writer's Corner and commented:
    Want something that’ll make you laugh until you have tears in your eyes? Read this! THIS is the story that inspired some of us writers to write crackfics about Willy Warmers.


Ahh, you found me. No clue why they stuck me ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE, but see that "Comment" box? Have at it!