EN: ATS, Ch. 19, is up!

I have to be up at ass:30 in the morning but I wanted to get this on out to y’all cause I’m all wonderful an’ stuff (and I hate having content just sitting on my desktop gatherin’ dust, lol).

So..this has not received that last final “going-over” (yes, there’s often more than one “last” going-over, lol) where I find all the silly, stupid, and sometimes funny errors. If (sadly, when…) you find mistakes, simply overlook them (hey, it’s a free fanfic…what can I say?).  If said errors are somehow egregious, scream at me via the “Ask Me” contact button (that’d be the mature and otherwise acceptable way of notifying fanfic writers that YOU’VE SPOTTED AN ERROR!!!111!!!  Srsly, ain’t none of us paid for SVM/TB-fanfic writin’…) and I’ll look at it when I get back on tomorrow (probably evening…because you really needed to know that, right?).

In the meantime:  Enjoy! 

Eric Northman After the Show Main Banner Pic Cropped

*psst:  go read!  review!  then pet kitties and puppy-doggies!  call your mama and/or daddy!  take a nap!!!  deep-throat the drinkable-temperature’d contents of a pot of coffee for me!!!!  😀

8 thoughts on “EN: ATS, Ch. 19, is up!

  1. LMAO at the deep throating of drinkable temps of pots of coffee for you! I’ll start with the morning pot & see where it goes… Then maybe virtual ones. Love your A/Ns!


  2. Oh yeah! I barely taste that first one! Does anyone? I think I’d mainline it if I could! LOL! Sippin’ is definitely for later!


  3. LOL! Too true! We should have a sign with a disclaimer in our house: “Do piss off the low-estrogen female before she’s had her coffee. We are not responsible for any lives lost in the melee that will ensue.” That first sip? Manna from Heaven! 🙂


Ahh, you found me. No clue why they stuck me ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE, but see that "Comment" box? Have at it!