TWOFER: The Moon, Ch. 33, and New Story, all in ONE NIGHT…

See what I done there? 

The “thank you” story written to thank readers after gaining my 500th site follower…several followers ago since I’m slower than molasses…was originally titled “The Night Eric Northman’s Life Changed Forever” but that was quickly changed to “One Night” (hella shorter).

Anyway, to keep your reader-y eyes (and comment-y fingers) busy, here’s a tow-fer:  a chapter of The Moon and the first chapter of One Night.  Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

As always, never beta’d, etc.

aThe Moon banner

One Night

(Yes, there are intermissions in Night – each chapter will probably be a “1 pee break” length, unless you’ve had kids, then it might be a 2-peer…)


11 thoughts on “TWOFER: The Moon, Ch. 33, and New Story, all in ONE NIGHT…

  1. Thanks for the two-fer! What a treat! You are just so funny with your notes, a pee-break! What makes you think I won’t carry the laptop with me? It is portable, you know. Well, I would have to put it down to wash my hands… OK, that might be a break, but no. I’ll just keep reading through and then go, unless there’s something really funny that makes me start laughing boisterously… It’s hell getting old! 🙂


Ahh, you found me. No clue why they stuck me ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE, but see that "Comment" box? Have at it!