Question and Other

Ok, readers-mine, time to touch base with y’all again.Β  As enthusiasm for “One Night” seems to be waning (like tides and allergies, it happens…, and while clicks on the page haven’t fallen all that much, page likes and reviews *are* down from previous Parts so it’s kind of obvious), which other stories would you prefer that I concentrate on instead?Β  Lol, we have choices…

(Moon isn’t listed because it depends more on the FLM than I’d like for her to know.)Β  (See also:Β  SEVRIN…)


Now, for the “other” – to correct a typo on the YWB page, the site is allowing voting to continue until Oct. 22nd now, so go back, vote for your faves and, I dunno, have a coffee and think fondly of me and Eric’s Spider or something, lol.

*snicker*Β  Kittyinaz suggested nominating Eric’s spider (*spoiler* to be named later by, well, Eric himself) for Best OC next awards season…and I totally support that notion.Β  No, I haven’t told Eric yet…I’m smarter than that (usually).

Anyhu, lemme know what story you want updates on next!Β  (If “One Night” recurs in the comments, then I’ll definitely listen, but you guys deserve options.)

NOTE:Β  I am not bitching about the falling number of likes and comments – I’m thrilled that even ONE of you guys likes it enough to, yeah, like and comment.Β  But…I *am* reacting to the (inevitable) trends in how interest in stories can fluctuate – srsly, like tides and allergies, it happens (hence these annoying polls from time to time).Β  So, yeah, the story is in no danger whatsoever – I just want to know what you’d *rather* be reading and will attempt to bribe the FLM accordingly.Β  (And she just totally flipped me off, btw…*sigh*…)

Have a <beverage of choice> day!Β  (And yes, that banner was chosen just because I’m kinda hungry.)







55 thoughts on “Question and Other

  1. I have to apologize! I am a reader that has failed to review your last couple of One Night posts. It is not that my interest has waned, in fact it is the ne of my favorites!! Real life has been kicking me in the posterior, and although I am reading, it is taking me longer to read your post, and I forget to go back and leave a review.
    If you need a break, I nominate STC to be your replacement writing project☺️Or The Moon, love that one too!!


  2. Whatever the muse wishes :D. I am enjoying One Night, but I find I am skipping around a bit, but I think that’s because I’m a dialogue girl rather than an introspection girl.
    I’m anxious to see what that child will be in The Moon. I’m even more anxious to see how they will deal with dear old Bill in STC.
    EN:ATS is just a for fun story for me.
    Did you ever finish Valentine’s Night? I can’t remember. I think you said there was one chapter left or something.
    I know, I’m horrible for leaving reviews and likes. I guess I assume (yeah, that’s stupid) that others will review so the story will continue.
    I can see spider being like Charlotte in Charlotte’s Web :D. Having her own little family, even carrying on a conversation with Eric (in Eric’s mind, of course), asking him what the heck is taking him so long to get between Sookie’s legs, lol.


  3. I have to say The Moon as well.
    Personally I’d like to you to wait until you’ve finished all the parts of One Night and then post them every second day or so until finished. I don’t know what it is about “labeling” but the minute I see “part 1, part 2” etc, it kinda puts me off.
    There’s a new trend on Amazon, with many authors publishing “parts” of their books. By the time you purchase all the “parts” you’ve paid more than the bloody books worth. I fell for it once, never again. If it even mentions the word “part” I avoid it.
    Maybe that has something to do with it because otherwise I’m really enjoying it. πŸ˜‹πŸ™‚


  4. My interest isn’t waning. I want more of One Night. I love it. I want Sookie and Tina to meet Godric. I like the others, too, so I would like to see more of them as well.


  5. “One Night,” of course! I’m stunned that readership could possibly be down or that reviews have dwindled! It’s your best story ever, well, not true. It’s tied with “Blue Nail Polish.” As for naming that spider, I would think that quite obvious, Boris! One other story does come to mind though; Sookie does have that new baby now…wonder how things might go from there? I love that story, but I’m not nearly as curious about that one as “One Night.” I drop whatever I’m doing for that one! I love it and you know I love your stories! Enjoy that sammich! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  6. One night for me, please. I admit to being a bit of a lurker, although likening myself to the spiders in the story isn’t something I’m particularly keen on!

    In honesty, my phone has been in for repair for the last 3 weeks, and the replacement I was given was a crappy flip phone that I was given whilst it was being fixed didn’t have a phone yet alone Internet! I’ve been playing catch up since I got my phone back, and I’ve been reading ravenously every spare moment I have. I love one night, and would love to see it continued x


  7. Is all of them an option? One of each? (I’m greedy…I own it.)

    I apologize, I know I’m one who hasn’t reviewed much lately. RL has been kicking my butt since school started back up, but my interest in One Night most definitely has NOT waned. I’m loving it. (Of course, I love all of them. For reference, see my initial comment.)

    Anyhoo…my first vote would be One Night, dying for the Fangtasia part and for Sookie to meet Godric. Runner up would be The Moon.

    If I promise lengthy, thoughtful reviews – can I get both? 😜


  8. Pingback: 19.10 – perfecta999

  9. Oh that is a great idea! The spider or best OC and Tina for best villain 😊 That being said I don’t care what you write, I’ll read it all!!


  10. lorip100: *preens from the love* πŸ˜€ No worries – they’ll all be updated depending on the FLM (and life, but we’re not discussing life right now…it might be eavesdropping).

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  11. barbara87413: I’d hold up the “shame on you” sign, but, um, I don’t actually have one. Life can sometimes have perfectly shitty timing and is rarely cooperative. *blech* My main concern was that readers might be getting a little tired of the One Night updates, maybe preferring that I give it a rest and move on to some of my other WIPs. I don’t read much fanfic at all when I’m in a writing phase, but back when I did, I would get really frustrated with writers when they would have several WIPs but seem to concentrate only one (maybe two) of them, and didn’t want my readers feeling that same way. So…I gave y’all options (cause I’m so nice, right?).

    Caution: all “Parts” of One Night will vary from “long” to “OMGodric, is this section EVER going to end”, so…yeah, you’ll probably have time to get 3 loads of laundry done during some of them, lmao… Thanks, hon!


  12. tj6james6: Heh, consider Eric’s mental ramblings as dialogue he has with himself – *he* does… About STC: I have a chapter almost ready to post, and the action is going to be ramping up pretty fast now. πŸ˜€ Moon and Decisions are “in progress”, but they’re coming along, just as the next Part to ON is.

    Lol, hon, the final chapter, Ch. 10, of Valentine’s Night was posted on Dec. 25, 2014! Go have a reread and enjoy – it’ll be like visiting with an old friend.

    And honestly, you’re actually pretty good with reviews – I love how you cite specific things in the chapter or part that stood out to you. As a writer, I find that kind of detail really helpful, so keep it up! πŸ˜€ ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  13. ericluver: The Moon is coming right along πŸ˜€

    I totally get what you’re saying about having parts instead of distinct chapters. My reasoning is that each part really IS just a “part” of that particular night, and the reason I’m posting them this way is because even though each part really is only a part of the night, they’re just so damn long (srsly, these fuckers are mega-long…)… One thing I like about fanfiction is the serial format so that readers have time between chapters (or, lol, “parts”) to not only read the post, but have time to digest it, too, before the next one comes along.

    Ugh, I’ve seen that on Amazon, where you buy a book only to find out that it’s really just a cliffie “forcing” the reader to buy that next book to find out what the hell happened from the FIRST book. SCREW THAT. To me, that’s false advertising!!! A book sold as a book should be the story in its entirety. To do otherwise is not only false advertising (unless the book’s description is honest about the fact that it’s NOT a complete story in the book and that the reader will have to buy the next in the series to have a conclusion – if they’re lucky…), it’s also super-mega-fucking annoying. Ugh. When I buy a book, I want to be buying a book in its entirety. So…I *always* read the reviews to find out if it’s a full story or not before I even consider buying. And, my books will NOT be partials…they will be whole, complete, “you don’t need to buy any other books to finish this particular story because I am not a greedy, lying bitch but I do hope you’ll purchase the rest of the series” books. I PROMISE. Also: ugh. Yeah, that pisses me off. It’s so obvious that those kinds of writers just want to string the reader along and gouge “now I have to know what happens to these people” money out of them. Fuck that. Bah.

    But…since “my nights” have, well, “parts”, that’s why I’m calling them that instead of Chapters, which would be the night in its entirety, but since I’m naming them by their “night number”, I don’t have chapters w/ this story. Glad you like it though!! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  14. heatherfanderson1980: Lol, that’s perfectly fine! If readers are really wanting more ON, that’s fantastic! I just don’t want readers getting bored with it and wondering why I’m not concentrating on other WIPs. Thanks!


  15. murgatroid98: Awesome! Thanks, hon! πŸ˜€ (I just don’t want readers wondering about the other stories and maybe becoming impatient with the many ON updates is all.)


  16. tleel: Thank you! I’m glad to hear that you guys aren’t getting sick of ON (the drop-off in likes/comments concerned me a bit). I’m loving this story but I recognize and kind of worry that the extreme attention to minutia – even when it’s from Eric’s POV – might not be everyone’s cuppa.


  17. msbuffy: I’m so glad you still love ON! πŸ˜€ I freely admit to being a bit concerned with the (admittedly, also, slight) drop-off in likes/comments (it’s the best way fic writers have to gauge interest and how well we’re putting our thoughts on virtual paper), but then again, I also worry (hey, I’m a writer, we worry…) that the extreme attention to minutia – even when it’s from Eric’s POV – might not suit every reader. So…if that happened to be case, I’d know then not to concern myself about whether my ideas are translating well and would just keep on keepin’ on, lol. Thank you gorgeous! ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  18. nedbella: Lol, THANK YOU!! ❀ I will definitely be continuing with ON – absolutely no worries there – but was just a bit concerned that maybe my ideas weren't translating to virtual paper as well as I'd like, that maybe some readers were getting tired of me concentrating so much on this story when there are 3 other WIPs in the wings, etc. But yes, ON shall continue (for quite a while, actually, as it stands right now…)


  19. fffbone: *snort at the idea of Eric getting a pet tanty…and no, I will not tell him you said that so you should be safe…* The “Fangtasia Part” should be quite…eventful? Interesting? Thanks, hon! πŸ˜€


  20. desireecarbenell: You do a fantastic job of reviewing – thank you! I love knowing what stood out most to my readers, what parts they liked best, if the chapter went over well, etc. It’s a great way to gauge if I’m putting my thoughts into words well enough or not. ❀ For the record, the next chapter of STC is coming right along, too, so there's that… ❀


  21. scangefanfic: Lol, you are SO not a spider! (Although The Spider in the Corner did say hi to ya…)

    Technology is wonderful…when it doesn’t suck. And no worries – the story is going nowhere. While I have a chapter of STC almost ready to post, the “Fangtasia Part” of ON is going to be a long one (when it’s finished)… Good luck with the reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. mom2goalies: Thanks gorgeous! STC will likely be posted next since it’s almost finished, but yeah, the next Part to ON (“the Fangtasia Part”) will be up sooner or later. I just mainly wanted to make sure that readers aren’t getting kind of tired of ON and wondering where the hell updates to the REST of the WIPs are, lol. πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  23. missingjasamalways: Heh, the next chapter of STC is just about ready to go and things are revving up…so it won’t be TOO much longer until Beehl gets his comeuppance! πŸ˜€ ❀


  24. switbo: Oy, greedy I understand! πŸ˜€ An update for STC is coming soon, and another ON will follow along eventually. The rest are in different stages of “production”…

    Ugh, I totally understand about how RL just *has* to rear its mean, annoying little head at the most inopportune times. *passes over “Beat Back Life With This” stick* It’s what I use when I really don’t have time to write but am determined to do it anyway. *Life really should be scared of me by now, but sadly, it doesn’t seem to work that way*


  25. Jackie69: *pfft* Naw… I’ll be updating everything as always, but was just wondering if interest in ON was maybe waning a bit, that maybe readers were getting impatient for updates on other WIPs. On that note I do have a chapter almost finished for STC, so there’s that. πŸ˜€ But yeah, another Part of ON will magically appear when it’s finished.


  26. shoegirl01: πŸ˜€ Well, according to “the wants of the people” (I can pretend to be democratic sometimes…), ON will still be getting a lot of attention, but I do have a chapter of STC in the works, so there’s that. Go me! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

  27. jazzma18: You’re just lucky I lost my “shame on you” sign… πŸ˜‰ It’s ok, hon – I’m just glad you’re liking the story! πŸ˜€


  28. theonemama: Thanks! I have a chapter of STC coming up next, then probably another Part to ON, then most likely a chapter of Moon if the FLM agrees. She flipped me off the other day, so… πŸ˜‰


  29. One Night, totally love this story and am always hoping to get a new chapter.. and The Moon… So much to love about both of these,. I’m reminded of the scene from the musical “Oliver” when he asks, “please sir, can we have more?”…


  30. valady1: Thank you! A new chapter of ON will be up sometime this afternoon! πŸ˜€ Lol (and Awwww) at the Oliver Twist ref! πŸ˜€ Love it!!


  31. jewelpearl: Thanks for chiming in! I love finding out what my readers like, what they maybe didn’t/don’t like as much…all that sort of thing helps me to hone my sometimes-floundering writing skills. ❀


  32. You’re welcome, dahling! I love the minutia of Eric’s thoughts, it’s my favorite part! He’s so funny! The poor vampire needs some vamp-Clonazepam! It’s a great story and now that Godric’s entered, even better! πŸ™‚


  33. msbuffy: Thank you! If I put in everything the FLM wanted me to, though, each Part would have sub-Parts with multiple intermissions, though – Eric is just that “thought-y”!!


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