What’s up with the Lady Porn?

You know I love a good rant…

Sarah Wilder Writes

-Also known as the erotica genre.

Or more specifically; the paranormal/fantasy erotica category.

Look, I like a rugged were-puma on the prowl for his mate as much as the next gal, and I love that e-books now provide a less virus-inducing way of getting my sweaty hands on mythical monster-fun than Googling “unicorns gone wild” “vampire + virgin”, but… seriously, what’s going on?

I thought we all (we, being women) agreed that men like their kinks straight-up and with the plot line of a 200 meter sprint, and we (again, women), as the sophisticated, complex half of the species, prefer some character depth, some emotional motivation behind actions and reactions… some goddamn story.

Wasn’t that the deal?

Then why is it that I flick through one novella or short story after the other, and 96% of the time it’s all ‘and instant animal attraction ensured all logic went out…

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10 thoughts on “What’s up with the Lady Porn?

  1. ha! thanks so much for reblogging this! I suppose the disease that gave birth to 50 shades of crap in its fanfiction form has spread wide over into the world of original writing. One can only hope it’s a trend that will die out in a few years.


  2. AlphaEN: Maybe the fic “practitioners” will contract some strange anti-writing disease from those (probably) unsanitized “toys”? *fingers crossed*



  3. Priceless, and oh-so-true! Thanks so much for reblogging this! Not only did I get great laughs from it, I agreed with all she had to say! I guess some folks will slap any words together along with what *they* think is some spicy erotica with a supernatural whatever (dolphin, anyone?) & we women will just be heaving our chests for it. And spending our money. (omg! msb wrote a fragment & started it with “and!” somewhere a contraction is dying.) I don’t even like the romance genre…nor do I care for bodice-rippers. I did like the SVM series, but except for 2 other series, I’ve never read the supernatural genre. Hell, I just like looking at Alex as himself or Eric, or imagining him as Eric, or my Terminix guy, or garbage man, my mailman, the list goes on… I could read these incredibly well-written fics forever, that is, if I can’t encourage all of you to bravely go out & write your own books! Or I get too old for this stuff. It could happen.


  4. msbuffy: And I do love a good rant! (You see what I done there…) I totally agree! And, after that 50 Shades fiasco, apparently all so-called “erotica” is now required to contain some form of abuse, too! I can’t believe we’re supposed to PAY for that shit! UGH! I’ve heard there’s supposed to be a T-Rex one, too… *sigh*

    I’m with ya there: Alex/Eric could be my paper boy, the UPS guy, anything…

    Have you ever tried J R Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series? They’re REALLY good, and it’s not all sex, all the time, either. There are actual plots and everything… (That may be because it’s not classified as ‘erotic’, though…)


  5. Hi there!
    Yes, I have heard of J.R. Ward’s “Black Dagger Brotherhood” series, BUT, I just can’t get into it. I tried the first book, and maybe I’m just simple or getting addle-brained in my old age, but it took forever to read it. If it takes that long for me to read a book, I’m simply not into it. I actually thought “50 Shades…” was fascinating initially, but it withered on the vine, so to speak. The explosion of the damn thing to the point where all books must now contain some form of BDSM disguised as love staggers me. Ah…my husband tells me I have too much of the 70’s militant feminist left in me, and he’s probably right! LOL! I just don’t get it. Are these books really supposed to represent our secret desires? a T-Rex? I don’t even want to know what’s going on that person’s head. That truly defies imagination… Ugh. Before I really start ranting, I’ll just shut up! The T-Rex thing is going to stagger & stay with me all day. And I thought the dolphin was bad!


  6. msbuffy: I have to keep in mind that I skipped over 90% of all the lesser activity (the bad guys that take up a LOT of words in the BDB…)… And I’ll always have too much respect for not only myself but women in general when it comes to try to read any sort of “abuse disguised as love” bullshit, and I just can NOT wait for that pathetic, disrespectful, annoying dom shit to die a painful, bloody death.

    And, srsly – if they’re wanting to appeal to my “secret desires”, how about finding me a guy who’ll clean litter boxes and fold sheets properly???

    (And I’ll just leave that dolphin and that T-Rex in a quiet room for some alone time…together…)


  7. Seriously laughing my ass off! It takes forever to type out my responses to you cause I’m laughing so hard! I guess I got lucky. My hubby runs the sweeper, mops floors, folds laundry, and more. He’s so wonderful and very, very sweet. Not that he can’t be a jackass…he is a man, after all. He loves me even with all my menopausal mood swings and even laughs with me at the lunacy of them. He’s really an incredible man, and he’s REAL! He is the real thing – the one who will take you to the ER & stay when you have to have emergency surgery, be there when you come out looking ever so lovely, but hold your hand and tell you he loves you. Just one example!
    Fantasies are great, but that’s just what they’re meant to be. I love reality!
    (Now I’m gonna be thinking all kinds of crazy stuff about that T-Rex & dolphin…T-Rex was a meat-eater, if I recall…)


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