Not a new chapter – just a word of thanks

For all of y’all who voted for me, print this out & nail it to your favorite computational device/s:

aTHANK YOUOk, maybe just use tape…

Why am I thanking you? 

(*get ready for some preening and jaunty fluffing of hair*)

I WON1YES!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!  (Ok, ok, I’ll stop with the jaunty hair fluffing, but the preening?  Yeah, that’s gonna go on for a while…!)

Seriously, thank you to everyone who voted for me – I really do appreciate your time and support.  Y’all so rock!!








34 thoughts on “Not a new chapter – just a word of thanks

  1. You’re welcome! If anyone can find a way to preen while drinking coffee, I know you’ll probably the one of the first. Since I’m having coffee, let’s practice together. Now sip and preen, turn and smile…


  2. msbuffy: Ohh, goodie – a co-conspirator!!

    Sip and preen, turn and smile,
    Beauty queens with all the guile
    Sip and savor, show that wile
    Coffee rules, but work that style!


  3. Did you go to finishing school too? That little diddy right there proves that you should have won first place! In all categories!


  4. msbuffy: **practices preening whilst blushing AND refusing to leggo the precious, precious coffee**

    😀 Thanks!

    *a lady never reveals her secrets 😉


  5. How true! 🙂

    Those secrets must never, ever be revealed.

    And the precious amber liquid that brings us life must always be held onto with a death grip!


  6. Hey! I have a question…

    Now that Sam is the Mayor of Bon Temps & has sold Merlotte’s to Arlene…
    and she renamed the place “Bellefleur’s”…

    Does that make my Merlotte’s coffee mugs collectors items?


  7. It just does. I’m not even watching this last season. I’ve had enough of lazy writing. People that start things should finish them. I write this as I’m taking a lazy day today, ignoring all work – editing & house – and just reading fanfic & playing solitaire!


  8. msbuffy: If I watch, it’ll be to make fun of greasy, flea-infested Al, poke fun at the granny outfits they’ll put on Sookie until they dress her slutty again, etc… We’ll be doing good if there’s 15 minutes total of Eric for the whole season the way it sounds.

    Decompression days are mandatory. Enjoy!!


  9. I thought about doing that too, like how we used to go watch “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” back in the 70’s, but I can’t even drum up enough enthusiasm. ASkars won’t be in the first 2 episodes as he was finishing filming a movie; as if that matters anyway, since as you say, we’ll get 15 minutes of his character. I would swear that CH had it written into her contract with AB that the two characters, Eric & Sookie, never be put together & stay that way for a HEA. But Bill? Every woman wants to be with the man they called a motherfuckin’ monster… Be still my nonbeating heart.


  10. msbuffy: I really don’t understand why ALL of them keep trying to shove Rapist/Lying/Sniveling Beehl down our not-gonna-happen throats. It’s like they’ve decided not to get Eric and Sookie together just BECAUSE people want it. And I absolutely would not be surprised if CH really DID have that written into the contract.


  11. I don’t get it either. You’re familiar with the term “jumping the shark?” Bill essentially died when Lillith took over his body – he melted into a pile vamp goo, then arose as some kind of vampire something on steroids from which even a 1,000-year-old Viking vampire ran in fear, Sookie could no longer “feel” him, he was staked in the heart & didn’t burst into anything…he wasn’t Bill Compton. He was something “other.” He had some kind of mission for Lillith and we still don’t know what that was because he apparently bored her so much that she left him halfway through the season. So how is it that Bill Compton is back, undead, and his obnoxious self again? It makes no fucking sense, and I can only suspend imagination just so far.


  12. msbuffy: To me, TB jumped just way too many sharks during that whole Maenad bit, then went on downhill from there. The Authority? Srsly? WTF was that mess? And…ugh…the merkin that was/is Lillith mutating into Beehl to become a certified WTF?…ugh x infinity.

    I’m just waiting for Lillith, Barlow (Ben, Warlow), and Niall to come bursting back onto the set to dance with the zompires as Eric just out and out KIDNAPS Sookie and files off to Sweden with her.

    Oy, I can dream!! 😀


  13. I like that dream! As long as they’re not sunbathing on the mountaintop in the snow… Y’know cause that’s how 1,000 year old vampires get to be 1,000 YEARS OLD! WTF?

    Fucking zompires…who thought up that one? Man, I take 8 different meds just in the morning & I can’t hallucinate anything like that. Maybe the zompires will eat the ghosts of villains past…


  14. Congrats and well done on redeeming the story after the book fiasco. I am staying as far as possible from the TV Show fiasco that is planned for this summer… Just to minimise the amount of palate cleansing needed… I can’t face any more Billshit


  15. msbuffy: I bet the Asses That Be are going to have Beehl martyring himself to save Sook from a zompire at some point. Hey, maybe Al and Sam will go down with him!!


  16. redjane12: I can’t blame you one little bit. Just wait until the season is over and catch the 15 minutes of Eric in a youtube splice, lol. I dread it, I really do. I used to adore the show in spite of the camp until it got just TOO messed up. Hey, maybe Lillith will come back and give Bill better hair…? *crosses fingers*

    Also: 😀 Thank you!!


  17. Oh yes, please!!!!
    Ditto to everything you both said.
    I think I’m going to wait for the whole thing to be aired, before I decide if I want to watch it.


  18. And big congrats.
    As everyone else has said, preen away 🙂
    (Shuffles around to put up extra mirrors to aid in your well deserved preening)


  19. gwynwyvar: (catches glimpse of self in mirror, runs screaming in the direction of away)

    Thank you!!!

    If I were smart, I’d do the same and just wait until AFTER the final ep aired to decide if I want to watch it, but…my curiosity will likely be much stronger than my common sense, sadly.

    Now if we could just get them to do an Eric Northman spin-off…


  20. gwynwyvar: ME RUNNING FROM A MIRROR???? LOL! Sorry, I had to!

    But yeah, can you imagine how insanely popular an Eric Northman spin-off would be?


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