One Night – The Fourth Night – Part 5

**A/N:  This is the last Part of The Fourth Night.   As such, it’s not as long as the other Parts because it *is* the last part.  Enjoy!**

At a little before 4 a.m. that morning, Eric and Godric came straggling back home.

Eric gladly noted the difference in their demeanor from when they’d left so much earlier in the evening.  Then, given their first destination, they’d both been revving up what they’d laughingly called in the past their “stoic vampire mode”, but thankfully now only the good humor from the shopping expedition remained which boded well for his Maker.

Since his arrival Godric had seemed fine, but he knew that wily old bastard and so he’d been keeping a surreptitious eye on the old man’s mood just to be sure.   Now that it had finally dawned on him that something actually could happen to his favorite antique vampire, he was on his guard.

Memory of when he had first realized that …something was going on with Godric still sent a shiver down his spine.

As they turned onto the road leading to the house, Eric had to smirk.

While the natural grace and ease with which Godric had welcomed not just him but the telepath into his home was gratifying, more than that it provided the son with the perfect way of keeping a literal eye on the fader.

Hi, dad…here to keep an eye on your old ass so now’s the time to clean your room of any notions you might have of meeting either sun or stake in any realm…grounded if you try anything…no more Tina for you!  *pfft* If things hadn’t worked out the way they are…would’ve had to hire babysitters…vampire sitters?  Someone needs to keep an eye on that old fart.

Eric mentally sighed.  Despite the fun he’d had cavorting in the mall, his own mood had somewhat fallen.  While he was thankful that his instincts had alerted him that something was up with his Maker, he knew how vampires viewed time.  The situation could reach critical 50, 100…hell, even 200 years from now.  He couldn’t risk presuming that anything was fine and fucking dandy just because of one entertaining evening out.

It didn’t help that Godric was a fantastic, fabulous faker when he wanted to be.

Wily little fucker…still needs to eat more…needs more hobbies, too. Do vampires need fresh air and exercise?  I should ask him…  He definitely needs a girlfriend.  Yup, daddy needs a girlfriend…or a boyfriend…or both…!  Why not?  Hey, maybe we could double-date!  Oh, Sookie, wanna go to the movies with me and daddy and his boyfriend and girlfriend?  You can have popcorn!  Yeah, like she’d go for that…oh, I don’t know…maybe she would…  I should ask.  Wait, gotta hook pops up with…ah, we’re almost home!

Despite the short amount of time he’d spent in his Maker’s not so humble abode, he had to admit that the place already felt more like a home than his residences in Louisiana ever had.  And there weren’t any spiders, either…well, that he’d found.


He should probably check a bit more closely…they were almost as wily as his Maker…

There were still a few more things he had to do before he could consider himself “settled in”, namely recalling Pam, finishing the lingering chaos…chaoses…at Fangtasia, and meeting with Godric’s “King Texas”…at least the first two bits were but the work of a night or two.

Pam can take care of herself, of course…saw to that myself.  The situation with the Queen and her Minions – “The Queen and her Minions” – failed band name if I ever heard one – is definitely still too volatile.  She needs to get her ass home as soon as possible. 

Margo’s reps…pick up the trash tomorrow…one bit of bloated chaos down…surely the Berts will vacate the premises by then, poor oafs…  What the fuck to do about Warm Piss?  Gad, Pam and her so-called humor…needs her own stand-up show…  Don’t care about the money enough to risk her having to wait for the bastard to show.  Should have told her to send his cock when she suggested a finger.  Stupid fuck.   Not too many loose ends, actually…may release the  fabulous Lorena and Lorena 2.0 early so Thalia can play early…spray down the basement early…get Pam home early… 

But…  Fuck.  Still haven’t solved the mystery – who the hell is killing fangbangers? That Jason kid is her brother…

He contemplated having Pam glamour the witless local badges into believing the Disco Triplets, and he had to snicker at the description, were responsible, but he reluctantly shoved the thought aside.  Not only would that leave the bastard responsible loose, it would work against vampire relations with humans.

Besides, if they caused future trouble with Sookie, he had a sneaking suspicion Godric would gladly but them down.

Maybe daddy just needs to murder more…   A good, messy rending always did brighten his night…even better if he thought they deserved it for some reason…

Mainly, however, he just needed Pam to finish up her duties and get her ass home.

Oh, and figure out what the hell is up with the Broders…poor bastards…

Odd how I haven’t heard anything from the teenage drama Queen…ah, royalty, always living on their own time.  Hope King Texas isn’t an ass…Godric wouldn’t still be here if he were…but there’s no way Sookie’s ready for any kind of official introduction yet.

Would she “howdy” the king?  I can see her “howdy’ing” His Majesty…and knowing her he’d probably like it…bet she’ll call him KT…  Wonder if he has any cats?  She and Godric would both like that.  With my luck it’d be a yappy little fuzzball…  Wonder what Sookie did while we were gone?  Those Were women had better have treated her well.  Godric wouldn’t have hired in anyone who wouldn’t, though, fussy as the old man is about such things…much as he’s likely paying them they’d best be worth the money…

Both had been having such rare fun in the mall that neither had noticed how much time had slipped away.  Thus, when they entered the house laden with shopping bags of all sizes – most of them, Eric pointedly noted to himself if to no other, being Godric’s, both had been surprised to discover that Sookie, being the mortal creature unaccustomed to the night life that she was, had already retired for the evening.

Vampire hearing quickly zeroed in on the somnolent sounds of two Weres and a part-fairy softly whuffling into their little pillows.

Both vampires’ expressions fell.

That the hour was growing so late and that Sookie might therefore already be in bed hadn’t previously occurred to either of them.

Well, fuck…  Fuck Pam’s over-fucked fucking duck.  Of course she’d be in bed by now!  Damn sun…lucky pillow…  Oh wait, what’s that?

Suddenly all the bags, most of which still being Godric’s…of which most were decidedly pet-related…landed on the floor when both vampires simultaneously spotted an envelope tapped to the  door leading down to the vampires’ “lair”.

Eric just might have silently snorted when he recalled Sookie’s term for the vampire level of the house but definitely huffed when his exasperating Maker managed to grab the intriguing object before he’d even thought to move.

Still damn quick for an old bastard…

The old man’s smirk wasn’t appreciated, either, when he stopped Eric’s progress with that look.

“I wonder what my little house guest has to say,” he teased.  “I’m fairy curious…”

The demented twinkle in the oldster’s eyes as well as the spike of delight he sensed stayed the Viking’s hand, though, and instead of huffing in annoyance (as if the other vampire couldn’t sense said annoyance), he chose to huff in humor.

And…maybe a little annoyance.

Consistency was key, right?

Eric leaned against the nearby wall and practiced his patience.

How slowly can he read?  He’s definitely drawing this out on purpose…unless maybe we need to get his eyes checked?  Do we even have eye doctors for the undead?  Have to check with Ludwig, she should know…  No contacts…too irritating, have to be just glasses.  Hmm…sensing a new business opportunity here – eye doctors for vampires, glasses ready in 3 minutes or less – free bag of blood with exam!  Nah…make it a free kitten…that’d get him in the door…

Seconds later, the ancient vampire chuckled at the contents of the begrudged letter…then as if to drive Eric crazy, he immediately chuckled again even more loudly.  Before long the youngster theorized the evil bastard was absolutely doing it on purpose just to antagonize him even further.

Eventually, after what seems like hours and days and years, Eric finally got his hands on the goods.

“Hey Guys,”

Guys?  We are vampires…how are we guys?  When did we become guys?  Is this good or bad?  Well, there was that musical and she could be described, mainly by Pam of course, as a “doll”… doubt that’s it, though.  Guys?  Could be a penis thing…everything is about the penis, right?  Right.

“I know we talked about me tweaking my sleeping schedule to mesh better with vampire hours and I did stay up as long as I could, but it’s right now 2:30 am and what with being a mere mortal and all I’ve got to go to bed soon.

I’m using toothpicks to keep my eyes open as it is!”

Toothpicks?  In her eyes?  That can’t be good…I sensed no pain from her earlier…  Maybe it’s not a literal thing?  Will have to check…

“The Were ladies here are being real nice to me.  They’re great cooks and they ask me all the time about what kinds of foods I like and if I’m sure I’m not allergic to anything.  Isn’t that sweet of them?

They’ve been great company and we’ve talked about so many things.  They’re really friendly and they even don’t mind if I ask a lot of questions, like, did you know that fleas aren’t really a big problem for them?  It seems that something about their Were-ness, something in their makeup actually discourages fleas from hanging around?  They don’t have to take flea baths or wear flea collars or treatments or anything!  I think that’s cool.  I hope it wasn’t rude to ask them about that but they were real nice about it and I did wonder because Tina’s a flea magnet and I worried about her coming down with yet another case of the jumpy-bitey little bastards and I didn’t think Godric would want fleas in his house, either.  But then I got to thinking that he did hire those Weres to work here so maybe fleas wouldn’t be such a problem but I thought I’d ask anyway.”

Eric looked up at his Maker who was quite suddenly taller than he was and realized with a bit of shock that he was on the floor –  he’d laughed so hard that he’d forgotten that gravity existed!

Ah, fuck, Sookie?  Fleas?  She…she actually asked them about…  FLEAS??  Oh, sweet Odin…fleas??  I can’t believe…yes, wait, yes I can, and I bet they thought she was cute and sweet while she asked.  Flea collars?  Oh, mercy…  Wait…gotta tell Pam…she’ll hurt herself howling!  Howling!  I wonder if she asked the Weres about that…

“Anyway they’ve been telling me a lot about how things work in the Were world and other than weird meetings (I was good and didn’t ask if there was a lot of barking and butt sniffing like dogs do at these meetings) and strange rules about Pack leadership, they sound a whole lot like just regular, normal people.  (Do you reckon they meet at dog parks?  That would make sense, though, right?  I should probably ask them about that.)  Well, regular, normal people who can grow hair, claws, and tails at will (and at certain times of the month, but whatever).

I shouldn’t say “normal”, though, should I…I mean, they’re normal to them, right, just like I’m normal to me.  Oh, well, at least I didn’t ask if they went around sniffing each other’s butts when they’re in human form, too.”

Eric clamped his free hand to his mouth to keep from howling too loudly.  As several red tears coursed down his face, it occurred to him that maybe leaving Sookie alone with…well, anybody might not be such a great idea.  Torn between fear and amazement, he bravely continued reading…

“I can’t truly hear what they’re thinking, not really, not unless I concentrate very, very hard and even then it’s more like scattered bits than actually hearing or seeing thoughts.

Anyway, Pam, Eric’s (your) child, called.  She didn’t have a lot to say, really, just asked me how it was going and if I needed anything.  She sounded kind of put out that I couldn’t think of a single thing I needed and I think she got kind of offended when I thanked her for all the stuff in my closet.  I didn’t mean to offend her!  But there’s just so…much…stuff in there!  She seemed to perk up when I told her how much I liked all the pocket books, well, she called them “baaags”, that she’d gotten me.

But what am I supposed to do with 15 “bags”?   In my entire life I don’t think I’ve had a grand total of 15 (15!!) pocket books combined!  Lena (she’s the older Were lady) was really impressed with them and with the shoes.  I couldn’t tell if it was the style or the leather.  Maybe both?

But you guys, honestly, how many pairs of feet does Pam think I have?  Just askin’ for a friend…”

Oh, Sookie, Pam thinks you’re a millipede…please stand by for deliveries…  Now that you’ve expressed anything even remotely nearing appreciation for her shopping, you are so in for it.  Wait, Pam called Sookie?  Pam…called Sookie?  Let me reread…yes, she did.  Why?

“Anyway, we didn’t talk long but she was really nice.  She’s funny, too.  Well, you’ve heard how she talks about the “creatures” and the “vermin” that mill around in your bar!  I don’t get the feeling she’s real impressed with them.  At all.

She said that Sigebert and Wybert were still there so I told her to be sure and tell them I said hi.  She didn’t say anything about when they might be going back home and since I know about how vampire hearing works, I didn’t ask, but isn’t it kind of weird how they’re still…there?”

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock…have a few questions about that myself.  Maybe the food’s better than in Mommy’s Court?  Scenery sure as hell is.  And the smell.  Wonder when we’ll hear from the inestimable Andre?  Should post fliers – QSA Children’s Conference Nightly – Come One, Come All!  From 11 to 4!  B-y-o-bloodbags – Plus-1 allowed! Sun-free wi-fi-enabled rooms available upon demand; carpet cleaning extra.  Anyway…

“Well, that’s about it.  I kept my mind open to keep track of the people guarding the house.  You’re right, Godric, it really is a good way to practice using this so-called “gift” everybody seems to either love or hate.  I could tell when they were moving, when they came nearer to the house or moved farther away and that the sizes of their voids were different.  It was an interesting exercise…went great with Sallah’s “famous” (her words) cookies and hot chocolate.  Don’t let anybody tell you any different – there’s never a wrong time of year to have hot chocolate!  Well, except maybe in the middle of summer.  And fall these days.

Erm…not that you would drink it, but it surely smells nice, right?

Hey, if somebody drank a lot of hot chocolate or ate a lot of cherries or oranges or sardines or whatever, would it affect the flavor of their blood?  If you guys feed off somebody who was drunk or high, would you get drunk or high?  I wish you could at least drink things.  Her hot chocolate really is the best.

And on that sad note, have a good rest of your night, guys.  Sweet dreams!


And there she goes with the “guys” thing…really do think it has to do with penises…  Hot chocolate…warm mouth…penis…!  Fuck.

It was along about that time he realized that his Maker was snickering as he lugged most of the bags – which was only fair given that most of them were his anyway – down the steps to the vampire’s “lair”.

With a slightly uncomfortable grunt Eric rose from the floor with the comforting thought that floors were lovely things, always there to catch him…and that Sookie might not aught to be allowed in public.

He looked around, then, after quickly adjusting himself, and grabbed the remaining evidence of their shopping adventure and followed said Maker down said steps.  The only thing that might have interested him above light-safe level of the house was asleep so there wasn’t any point in…oh, what was that word…

That’s it…dallying.  Should I use that word more often?  It has an odd cadence to it…dall-y-ing.  But…thought the same about “frolicking” back in the ’60s and look how that turned out…


This is not an intermission.

Intermissions tend to occur more in the middle of an event (or, well, Part – those kind of somewhat maybe count as “events”, right?), not during the last third of the event (or Part).

This is the last third; therefore, it’s not an intermission.

Carry on.


He wasn’t pouting.  Truly, he wasn’t.


As Eric sat on the side of his bed listlessly passing the bit of nothing he’d bought Sookie from hand to hand and back again, he couldn’t help being slightly miffed that he hadn’t been able to give it to her.

Miffed…yes, miffed is better than pouting.  Because I’m certainly not pouting, no siree – Vikings don’t pout.  Our swords are too heavy for that nonsense.

He’d gotten a kick out of her letter which now rested in the top drawer of his nightstand.  Even if Godric had gotten his grubby little old hands on it first, it had been a very nice surprise, but it wasn’t the same…

So she’d gone to bed already, so what?  It’s what mortals do.  They rise with the annoying little birdies in the morning and then they snuggle up in their little beds and the lights in their little heads go out when the sun flees the night; it’s part of the mortal condition. They all suffer from it.  Even I can somewhat remember how all that goes.

Ok, not really, but I can pretend.

I do remember being drunk, if that counts…of course it counts.  Naturally I remember fighting…the general pain that comes from battle…even remember smelling a bit…stale at times.  Surely if I try hard enough I could at least remember how sleeping works…has to do with birds and when the sun goes down.  Will I get a cookie if I remember?  Heh, maybe some of that hot chocolate she went on about.  Hope Godric gives the one a raise.

Still…so what if she went to bed before we returned…it’s what they do.

It wasn’t as though the small gift now being lazily tossed between his hands was anything worthy of a big production, just a plastic bit of nonsense he knew would make her snicker much like the otherwise innocuous item she’d gotten him.

But he was.

But only a little…

The novelty and pleasure of being able to share humor, even if…ok, especially if…of the childish variety with someone felt much like a cheerful hearth fire seeping warmth into cold bare feet.

He could certainly share fun things with his Maker and with his child, did it all the time, in fact, but…

No matter how fluid his relationship with Godric might be, the ancient vampire was still his Maker, and no matter how close he was with Pam, she was still his child.  The good times they’d all shared down through time were priceless, but there was always that thought in the back of his mind.

Oddly, it wasn’t there with Sookie.

Sure, in the vampire world she was his inferior, but it didn’t exactly seem that way when they were talking, did it?

Bah.  Whatever.

Everyone in the vampire world was either a superior or an underling; free and easy friendships were painfully rare…just like fairies.

And equals.

And apparently flea collars for Weres.

He sighed.  Especially rare were the situations where truly silly little bits and pieces could be exchanged in the spirit they were meant without having to worry about hidden fucking meanings and agendas.

Odin knows the vampire world drowns nightly in hidden meanings and agendas.  Not very much hidden about driving a dagger through someone’s shoulder, though you can’t do that but so often before they catch on…not too many hidden meanings in a bucket of tar dumped over someone’s head, either.  Ants and honey…  Ah, good times… 


Got back too fucking late…didn’t realize we’d spent so much time at that damn mall…  Never letting Godric near cages of adoptable rescue kittens again…

He wouldn’t be surprised if his Maker came home laden with carriers of newly-purchased rescue kittens at some point during the next couple weeks.  The old guy had already bought enough toys to support his own colony.  Hell, he was probably still in the den rifling through the bags…

And probably playing with some of the toys, too…be worn out before Tina ever sees them…should acquire a laser pointer…keep him busy for hours…  Douse his bed in cat nip, see if he rolls around…

But we were back by 4:00 am…definitely early by vampire standards but not apparently by bothersome daylight-loving fairy standards, I guess.  Seems she did extend her bedtime by a few hours, though…or tried to, anyway.  Fucking daylight.

He huffed as he toed his shoes off.

Small-town girl…definitely living in a new world now…  But…why would she even think to ask them to teach her about all-things-Were?  I can envision all too well her asking the dogs exactly that…  But…why would she want them to tell her…anything?  And what else would they think she needed to hear?  Ha ha, fleas…priceless!  But really…what’s so interesting about fucking Weres?  Oh, well, she’s as curious as that cat of hers…  Would they teach her how to howl?  Bah.  Maybe being curious about unnecessary things is a fairy trait… 

He eyed the gift…retribution…gift in his hand and didn’t bother to hide his grin as he imagined the look on the little fairy’s face when he gave it to her.

With another huff – he wasn’t too disappointed that he’d have to wait to give it to her, surely – he tossed the bit of plastic onto his nightstand, shrugged out of his clothes and proceeded to shower away Area Headquarters, malls, and various kittens.

Once clad in his favorite lounge pants and robe, he plugged his phones into their respective chargers and fired up his laptop to check messages.

He’d be seeing her that evening.

**A/N:  And thus ends The Fourth Night.  Soooo…what’d ja think?**


48 thoughts on “One Night – The Fourth Night – Part 5

  1. Pingback: New Chapter – ON – 4th Night – Pt. 5 | Addicted to Godric…Eric…Andre…(Sevrin)

  2. Fleas! Flea collars! 😂 I loved it. Your mind is such a fascinating place 😁
    Poor Eric has to wait cause the human needs 💤 ahh well still time for him to learn patience. Glad that Godric is out of his funk but worth keeping an eye out. Maybe Pam’s arrival will shake things up even more – especially if a pair of brothers tag along 😁

    Liked by 3 people

  3. My imagination is sometimes diabolical (yours too). Who has not had lice when we were little? They may avoid fleas but I doubt they avoid body lice.
    Sookie would not be so amazed by all that she is learning from other cultures if they told her their true rituals for different situations in detail.
    One would think that Eric would behave like a man, but he behaves like a teenage boy who gets angry and pouting when he can not see his ‘girlfriend’ at the moment of wanting to see her.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Loved the inner musings of a pouting Eric. He’s so entertaining 😂 (and a big child!)
    Sookie’s questioning of the Weres was funny. Flea collars? Hehe.
    They’ll have to keep an eye on Godric although he seems in good spirits at the moment.
    Thanks for the new chapter even though you’ve been unwell. Look after yourself! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you so much for the update! Sookie’s note was hilarious! And I loved that Eric didn’t even notice that he was laughing so hard he fell down! Hope your muse is inspired for a 5th night! Hope you feel better soon!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Wonderful. I have missed your writing. Eric and Godric’s shenanigans are always fun. So is Sookie’s letter. Glad you’re improving. I wish it was going faster. Take care of yourself.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Soooo fun!! Sookie’s note was perfect. Love how Eric found himself on the floor. This is such an amazing story. Thank you so much for workin so hard to get an update for us. *hugs* for you and the muse. *refills the grilled cheese table*

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh dear god, laughing my butt off with Sookie’s note! Love Eric’s musings as always and can’t help wonder what he bought to give to her.
    Glad things are going just a bit better for you and hopefully they’ll continue to get better.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Thank you for the update. I hope you continue to improve, and doctor bills are always expensive. Write when you can we will be hear to read when ever you are able to post. Loved Sookies letter, to the guys.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh My, Sookie’s note is a hoot –I wonder if wine was involved by all as she was talking to the Weres…, what is the “old man” up to? Hmmmm…..surely he knows about Eric’s issue with spiders –do you think there could be a big rubber spider in one of those bags? Hmmmm…….

    BTW, so glad to see you back and writing! I hope you’re doing better. diabetes is a bitch; it’s debilitated many menbers of my family…..

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hey Mer, loved this last bit of the 4th night. I laughed out loud, so thank you for that. So, just sayin’, but you could keep adding nights for the rest of my life… and I’d happily keep reading. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I believe you have a very large inner child that you struggle mightily with to keep under control. And what a joy it is for your readers that you frequently fail in this endeavor. This is just so much fun to read, flea collars, butt sniffing? Your mind must be one large playground (necessary to keep the inner child somewhat distracted)…take care

    Liked by 2 people

  13. shoegirl01: 😀 Yeah…fleas…I had to go there, didn’t I? It was mandatory…right? *snicker* I can totally see this version of Sookie bein’ all innocent and just HAVIN’ to ask THOSE questions…and the Weres oddly-enough being totally fine with it! Ha! Glad you liked it!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. shoegirl01: 😀 Yeah…fleas…I had to go there, didn’t I? It was mandatory…right? *snicker* I can totally see this version of Sookie bein’ all innocent and just HAVIN’ to ask THOSE questions…and the Weres oddly-enough being totally fine with it! Ha! Glad you liked it!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. cari1973: Diabolical? Me?? Neva (never)… (You should hear some of the things I *don’t* write – the world is not yet ready…)
    I figure the Were ladies were honest with Sookie about Were life…up to a point. She’s not a Were and she’s not (at this point, at least) involved in any sort of Were politics, so there’s no reason for them to tell her about “species-specific” rituals and the like. Eric and Godric would expect them to keep “”that kind”” of information away from her, too. While realistic, in this story Sookie is considered sweet and innocent even if she’s a bit…not. (I hope that makes sense?)

    Oh, Eric’s going to be having a little talk with himself later on about how whiny he was about Sookie being asleep when they returned. I mean, she’s not even his girlfriend (yet), so…

    Liked by 2 people

  16. cari1973: Diabolical? Me?? Neva (never)… (You should hear some of the things I *don’t* write – the world is not yet ready…)
    I figure the Were ladies were honest with Sookie about Were life…up to a point. She’s not a Were and she’s not (at this point, at least) involved in any sort of Were politics, so there’s no reason for them to tell her about “species-specific” rituals and the like. Eric and Godric would expect them to keep “”that kind”” of information away from her, too. While realistic, in this story Sookie is considered sweet and innocent even if she’s a bit…not. (I hope that makes sense?)

    Oh, Eric’s going to be having a little talk with himself later on about how whiny he was about Sookie being asleep when they returned. I mean, she’s not even his girlfriend (yet), so…

    Liked by 1 person

  17. ericluver: Thank you! And he is! Poor Eric, he’s gotten himself all wound up over her! He’ll be alright, though, lol, given time… And exactly – Godric is in good spirits right now, but “cures” of the emotional variety aren’t usually instant, and he’s had decades, if not longer, to sink into his funk. A couple nights of Eric’s company is a great start, but it’s by no means a cure. (Hehe, I had to go “there” with the Weres…had to…mandatory, don’cha know…)

    I feel like a huge hypcrite. One of the several reasons I so very rarely read on-going fanfics is because of the possibility of long delays between updates if not outright abandonment of the story. So…here *I* am…with long delays between my own updates. Granted the reasoning is understandable and all, but that doesn’t make it any easier for my readers. I really do feel like I’ve let you guys down, and as soon as creative energy starts coming back at a more dependable rate, the updates will reflect it. (God willin’ and the creeks don’t rise, as they say.) ♥

    Liked by 2 people

  18. barbara87412: Lol, I’m glad you liked it! I can totally see this Sookie being *exactly* like that with the Were ladies, lmao! And Eric? Poor guy, he needs a laugh of 10 every now and then, right? 😉 Thank you for the kind wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. barbara87412: Lol, I’m glad you liked it! I can totally see this Sookie being *exactly* like that with the Were ladies, lmao! And Eric? Poor guy, he needs a laugh of 10 every now and then, right? 😉 Thank you for the kind wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. murgatroid98: Eric and Godric do need those “boys only” times, especially now with all the changes in the works. And Sookie? Heh, I could totally see her being like that with the Weres, lol. Glad you liked it! (I’m improving, slowly, but getting there…eventually. Thanks, gorgeous!) ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  21. murgatroid98: Eric and Godric do need those “boys only” times, especially now with all the changes in the works. And Sookie? Heh, I could totally see her being like that with the Weres, lol. Glad you liked it! (I’m improving, slowly, but getting there…eventually. Thanks, gorgeous!) ♥

    Liked by 2 people

  22. bashfyl: Awwww, I’m glad you liked it! I’m afraid it’s probably not my best work but I was thrilled to be able to get the update out anyway – you guys have been waiting long enough! *snags the yummy grilled cheese – perfect timing!*

    Liked by 1 person

  23. mom2goalies: Good – I was hoping you’d have a blast with this chapter! It was time for a good laugh…goodness only knows but Eric sure needed it (and so did Godric but we won’t tell him that). Thank you for your kind thoughts – appreciate it! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  24. kleannhouse: Can’t you just SEE Sookie having the innocent audacity to ask the Were ladies about fleas and all that kind of thing and them not even taking offense?? Ha! And Eric – I can totally see him literally sliding down the wall laughing his ass off, lol. (After all the sort-of-drama, it was time to end things on a laugh for a night.) Glad you liked it!

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  25. kleannhouse: Can’t you just SEE Sookie having the innocent audacity to ask the Were ladies about fleas and all that kind of thing and them not even taking offense?? Ha! And Eric – I can totally see him literally sliding down the wall laughing his ass off, lol. (After all the sort-of-drama, it was time to end things on a laugh for a night.) Glad you liked it!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. tleel: Thank you for the kind thoughts – I really appreciate it! (And you ain’t kiddin’ – the bills are killing me.) I feel badly about the slow (and, honestly, lack of) updates to my stories, but as creative energies (ugh, slowly) return, I can’t wait to get back to all my WIPs. (It’s not fair to you guys to have to wait so long and poor, poor preggo Sookie…she’s gonna be kicking my ass sooner than later!)

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Jackie69: Lol, I just had to go there, didn’t I? You know how curious Sookie is… *snicker* Glad you liked it!

    I can’t wait for the creative energies to wander on back home, ugh. I hate that you guys have to keep waiting for updates.

    Liked by 2 people

  28. duckbutt60: Thank you! ♥

    Heh, I wouldn’t put it past Godric to spring a SUDDENLY: SPIDER!! at Eric! Ha! Ohhh…good ideas in the vid… *pondering*

    Unfortunately diabetes is a multi-faceted foe – silent, deadly, expensive, and freakishly hard to combat given how it attacks at any time on every front. One day at a time (spiced with creative cursing) is the best we can do.

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  29. teachert99: ♥ Glad you liked it! Figured it wouldn’t hurt to cap off the 4th night on a laugh, lol. At this point I have no idea, really, how long this thing will actually end up being. Different plots keep veering off in odd directions and the FLM won’t settle herself down to any one of them. I love that you love the story, though! Thank you!!

    Liked by 2 people

  30. valady1: Heh, my inner child and I have lots of debates ranging to “how to take over the world” to “wonder who created the first marshmallows and what did they even DO with them, anyway”…it gets weird in my head sometimes but there’s lots of virtual candy, so there’s that… Lol, glad you liked the chapter and I really do hope it brought a laugh or two! (I can so totally see Sookie asking the Weres about the fleas…)

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Of course I liked it! Loved it, really. Love your style. You’re my go-to on sleepless nights- when I don’t want to turn on the light and wake up my husband. I can pull out the laptop and read in the dark until I get sleepy 😴 again. If you don’t get around to it or if your FLM doesn’t settle down, I’ll just have to make do with reading it from the beginning— like I do with Decisions and Anticipating. 😊 Wish you well, my dear!

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Very very funny note Sookie left. Had both vampires on the floor ! Eric acting like a teenager. From what I can remember from the books, he was turned at 23. Pam was about 19.
    So happy you felt well enough to write. Loved it !

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  33. What did I think? WHAT DID I THINK?!?! I thought “The Queen and her Minions – failed band name” was hilarious! And that Eric definitely has ADD. Sookie’s letter was hilarious, and the chapter was a light, humorous update. But there will be a Fifth Night, right? I’m dying to know why QSA isn’t pitching a fit!

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Happy to see a new post!
    Spiders are always present! Sneaky little bastards!
    The first part of this chapter is very cute and fun! I love that Sookie is so sweet, outgoing and intelligent but not a naive bumpkin.
    Awww! Eric has to wait for the mortal to get some sleep. What a difficult life he has!
    Hope Godric doesn’t decide to bring kittens home before Tina is dead! He’ll be finding poop on his pillow courtesy of Tina.


  35. Hey girly, i have been wondering how you have been. I havent heard from you in a while.I hope all is well. i was rereading some of my faves and remembered this one. I loved this addition as always. Miss ya.

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  36. Came to your site to check on you and started re-reading this. Started thinking this time around that maybe Eric needs to feed from someone on ADHD meds! His mind was changing topics constantly. Lol.

    I loved this story so much. I’m still sad that you never wrote any more of it. Maybe one day.

    I hope you are okay and healing from the loss of you Dad. Take care of yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Re-read your wonderful “start” of this story! Truly my favorite WIP of yours! I hope that you’ll take that oil can I’ve put on your desk and give your fingers a squirt or two to remove any resiliant “rust” and limber those puppies up! I’d love to see an update to this!

    On another note, I hope you’re feeling more “yourself” even though you’re “bionic” now. You’re spirit seems to be lifting, and that optimism spreads to your faithful readers.

    And….if i can share something that may spur you on:

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  38. duckbutt60 – OMG I LOVE THAT!!! That is so cute!!!
    Also, what weird timing – I just posted a huge whine and the same time as you were sending this!
    I am ok emotionally-speaking, for the most part. This is all taking a huge toll on me, naturally, but I like to think that my mama didn’t raise a quitter, so I can only keep on “keeping on”.
    Tired of being life’s chew toy, admittedly, but on the other hand, why NOT me, ya know? What’s so special about me that things WOULDN’T happen to me?
    Getting tired of it, though.
    *pause here for a dramatic sigh*
    Thank you for, well, for being you. The world needs more of you.
    And that cute spider!! Thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  39. I love your story and I’m completely bummed out that it ends here. I really hope you come back to it.


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