Generic NOT A CHAPTER Update – ignore at will

Dearest Darling Readers-Mine,


RL, however, has decided to interfere with my writing processes to the point that I’m perma-glaring at her ass.   The Moon gave me several false starts but at least STC has finally (FINALLY) decided to play nice.  I’ve basically given up on EN: ATS and Decisions for right now.   They’re the least popular current works so they receive the least enthusiasm so *flibbith*.

But…EVERY DAMN TIME I sit down to even THINK about working on One Night, srsly, something happens.  I get interrupted by people with Things That Will Not Wait even though they fucking well could.  The dog got sick (she had a 3-day bout of Where The Hell Did This Come From doggy-diarrhea-poos…that was fun…); the cat got super-sick (he ended up staying at the vets for 3 nights/4 days – and it wasn’t a cruise – with a SERIOUSLY bad case of urinary tract crystals and is now on a $uper-$pendy diet and with instructions to keep track more/less of “how many cat pee balls are in his box” to make SURE he’s peeing enough) and, last but not least, *I* got sick (stress/allergies/not enough sleep will do that to ya, young padawan).    Srsly, I need a curse breaker pronto!

I still blame the cat pee balls, though (I use clumping litter – cat pees, it clumps)

And then there was Easter.  (I have great leftovers for that curse breaker if they need incentive to, you know, magically appear…)

Oy.  I need a vacay…

But anyway, STC is coming along so do expect a chapter sooner than later God willin’ and the creek don’t rise/animals don’t get sick/I don’t get sick/The Thing That Will Not Wait can actually fucking wait…postage not included, this space intentionally left blank.

Love and cat pee balls,


53 thoughts on “Generic NOT A CHAPTER Update – ignore at will

  1. I’m so sorry to hear of all your animal woes. That’s never fun and very hard on the owner. Hopefully everyone is feeling better now and will stay in good health.


  2. Never fun when the animals fall sick. Plus Vets, the wonderful wonderful tests they think up “just in case” can send a person broke. And yes, they always have some super new food that will solve everything which you have to mortgage your house to pay for. That was me at Xmyth. Not fun! You have my sympathies as I sit here typing and recovering from root canal therapy/torture (not that I’m complaining..,over the counter painkillers can make for interesting concoctions with the hourly swish of warm salty water [just read the label and don’t for any reason use white pepper, it doesn’t help in any way]). Be better 🙂


  3. As the “Lady of Infinite Patience”, I will wait until you have real life tied up and brought under control.
    That’s a joke on myself, of course. I can’t even read WIPs because I have no patience waiting for the next chapter, and I’m avoiding anxiety of any kind.
    Hope everyone’s upset insides have subsided.
    I have found fantastic coffee here. The shop owner gets the coffee direct from her parent’s coffee plantation in Brazil. It has reaffirmed my relationship with coffee.
    Wish I could get it to you~


  4. Must have been something going around everywhere! Sorry to hear about the vet visits and your own illness. We dealt with what we thought was a dead pet but saw her move so emergency Sunday visit to turtle doc. One daughter had knee surgery and hubby got sick! We all need vacations it seems. Maybe group rates?
    Hoping RL calms down and you get to do what you want, when you want. Take care!


  5. Call Charlie (or was it Bill) Weasley! He’s supposedly a curse breaker with Gringott’s!
    Take care of yourself and the animals 🙂


  6. I bet that advice about cat pee balls cost Uber $$. Vets usually do, and it sucks (cat pee) balls that we can’t, you know, take ‘me to human docs who are generally cheaper than vets who study about cat pee balls and all. 😳
    But seriously, follow those instructions, feed your cat $uper-$pendy diet cos we lost a cat to crystals. 😩 Hopefully your puss will get heaps better.

    And I’ll wait patiently for whatever your muse eventually coughs up. (Just don’t let it be a hair ball!) 😋😂


  7. And I here thinking that there were no new chapters because WP was malfunctioning and the only thing that happened was RL poking its ugly head (as usual). Patience.


  8. Sending you coffee ☕️ and donuts 🍩 And why not some wine 🍷 too – I’ll let you choose the order you consume them! Take care !


  9. **SNORT, SNORT** You are cray cray LOL!!! You take care of yourself woman… and wow happy pee balls to you!!


  10. Bill was the Curse Breaker, Charlie was the uber-cool dragon wrangler. Sooo, if you can bring yourself to ever ask any Bill in the known-imaginary-current-past-future universe for help, he’s your guy.

    Sorry to hear about your furr babies. They are almost as expensive as teenagers when they are well. When they are sick, start looking for the winning powerball ticket. Glad they are on the mend. As for you, tell everyone on the planet to step the fuck off for the weekend and get some sleep, get drunk, get laid, whatever you need to do for some good old fashioned you time. Coffee & chocolate liberally inserted wherever & whenever needed.

    And for a not so funny for me but apparently hilarious to everyone else story:

    I have one of those super cool Neil Med battery powered sinus irrigators. It is amazing and highly recommended for anyone who has sinus issues. Seriously, it is a fucking miracle. So the other morning I got up and thought I would multi task and do the irrigating while the coffee was brewing. So got the coffee going, put my filtered water in a glass and put it in the micro for about 15 seconds, got the saline powder ready to put in the little cup, the microwave dinged, grabbed the water, checked the temp, poured in the cup, screwed it together and started going and then….. Holy Mother of God!!! I thought I fried my brain. Don’t EVER, NO matter WHAT is happening, forget to put the saline powder in the chamber. You do NOT want to shoot plain water up into your sinuses. It burns like a thousand fires of hell and feels like you just mummified your brain and turned your eyeballs into hot molten lava.

    But on the upside, I was not congested for the rest of the day. As far as I know. Cause I took a sick day, a sleeping pill and an all day nap, in that order. LOL

    Hope you have a restful weekend!!!


  11. Wow. A lot to stress about. First think about your health than other things. Your familly, pets and devoted readers need you healty. Wish you stress free weekend.


  12. Jesus! So sorry for all the RL shit you’ve been dealing with. So very sorry. I’ll just wish you well, wish your furry friends well, and hope you get what you need- time, coffee, yummies, a stress-free week, month, year. Take care. 🙂


  13. gyllene: Thank you and exactly! It’s really hard on us because even though they can’t speak and tell us what’s wrong or even that there is something wrong, we’re still going to feel guilty for not having magically known sooner.


  14. jules3677: Ohhh my poor wallet is STILL screeching in angry-pain. And, ugh – root canals… Have you noticed how that’s the common automatic go-to for dentists anymore? Whereas in the past a generic “drill and fill” would work fine NOW every tooth alluvasudden just MUST have a root canal. If they could charge more for the drill and fill then I bet they’d go back to it more often. #notjaded #really Hope your poor mouth has recovered.

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  15. gaijinvamp: Lol, that’s me. I cringe at getting caught up in WIPs because something…always…happens —and it’s generally right after a huge cliffie!! So, when I’m in a reading phase (when I’m not actively writing/trying to write), unless I know the writer (and can therefore pester the crap out of them…), I also tend to wait for the fic to be complete before even starting it. And I’m so jealous of your in with the coffee people… #sigh


  16. mom2goalies: Awww, I hope the turtle was ok?? And sorry to hear about your daughter’s knee surgery – that’s never fun. (Hubby probably caught the sickies from the hospital…those places give me the “ew it’s nasty” creeps…) And a vacay sounds perfect. (Still not on speaking terms with RL)

    Liked by 1 person

  17. tj6james6: Heh, the Charlie Weasley as I see him in my mind would most certainly work! But, yeah, he’d have to bring Bill by, too…pesky curses…


  18. ericluver: It’s just plain weird how much more expensive vets are than docs. I’d like to LOB a couple (dozen) of those pee balls at, erm, I mean, TO them… So far so good with getting Galen to eat the $pendy food$, just wish he’d drink more water, but that’s always the case. I do mix his canned $pendies with half again as much water so that helps some. Very sorry to hear that you lost one to those damn crystals. 😦

    *snicker* With 2.5 long-haired cats (one barely qualifies but the others definitely do), hairballs are a common thing. Thank God for Dyson…


  19. mindyb781: Heh, I could go for some ice cream…and coffee… Oh, every now and then I’ll plop a big blob of good vanilla ice cream in a big coffee mug then fill it with hot coffee. YUM!


  20. cari1973: Ugh, WP malfunctions enough as it is, dang it! But yeah, RL can be a huge…um, yeah. It’s been a long year so far. But, a new chapter of STC will be up sooner than later, so here’s hoping that breaks the curse!


  21. shoegirl01: Awww, that would be so awesome! 😀 Heh, have the wine tonight and the coffee and donuts in the morning! 😀 I could deal with that… Thank you!


  22. autumnchild26: Awww, thanks! I love EN: ATS! I’ll get back around to it (and Decisions) eventually. RL and I still aren’t on speaking terms…maybe soon. In the meantime it won’t be too long before STC gets an update, so maybe that’ll break the curse.


  23. howyoudsdoin: Is it sad that I’m still glad to be excavating pee balls out of his litter box? Cause I am… *cries just a little at life…not much…just enough to make life feel GUILTY!*


  24. Yay!! (Does happy dance before pausing a minute) im sorry Rl is getting you down.i have a bunch of my own chapters written just not sure they are really do you and others cope ? Im afraid to let my readers down


  25. missingjasamalways: Heh, I can call on Bill to break the curses…and have Charlie drop ’round just for funsies…right? RIGHT?

    And srsly, do vets think we’re made of cash??? Ugh, they must. As for “free time” and me, well, just like with life, apparently I’m not on speaking terms with it, either. It’s always something (hence me sitting here at 6:46 on a Sunday morning…) And bless your heart, honey, that does NOT sound like fun! I bet after that your sinuses were TERRIFIED to even THINK about becoming contested again! (And I’d have beat anyone who laughed raw…RAW!) (Meanypants.) I’ve never been brave enough to try to irrigate…fears of drowning myself or of flooding my lungs abound.


  26. minicaj: I give up on stress-free and am working on just improving my aim. *dramatic sigh* Thanks, hon. Next chapter of STC should be up sooner than later.


  27. autumnchild26: Honestly? You work your ass off. Writing isn’t just getting the words down on (virtual) paper. It’s getting the words down, going back over them for plot, then going back over them for grammar and punctuation, then going back over them for flow, then going back over them just to make damn sure that they not only make sense, but that they contribute to the overall plot of the story, that they actively move the story along, and that they’re something you want people to know that YOU wrote.
    Then go back over them again.
    Then, read the crap (my word for my own works) that you’ve posted before and see if you’ve improved at all in your style, ability to move the plot along without extraneous material clouding the works, and to see if your grammar and punctuation skills have improved.
    And then you start it all over again for the next chapter.
    I’ve heard it’s a great idea to write chapters then put them aside for several weeks and THEN go back over them to revise, revise, revise.


  28. teachert99: Heh, I’ve given up on stress-free and have just started improving my aim… It’ll be ok…I hope…even though RL and I still aren’t on speaking terms. Still waiting for Bill to magically appear to break whatever curse this is. He can bring Charlie along for funsies…I could use some funsies. (He could also scoop the pee balls out of all the litter boxes!!)

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  29. Ty ,my grammar is still horrible but robin my beta is a big help.i have been getting a little headache with two of my stories.but ill try waiting a few weeks and then go over it again.:)

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  30. Thanks for asking about the tooth. Finally stopped taking the painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills. Still swishing (don’t ya just love that word – I might just adopt it 🙂 ) the warm salty water though down to twice a day. Have manage to chew food. That was nice, though on the opposite side where the dead/dying tooth is. My Dentist charges by the half hour. I know the next appointment is booked for 90 minutes. So not looking forward to that plus the hour train trip to home afterwards. So don’t miss using public transport 😦 . Been reading and reading to keep myself distracted. Rereading ericizmine multiverse stories. So do miss her genius. Read, nap, read, feed, read, nap, read and sleep some more 🙂


  31. Turtle, daughter, and hubby all doing well now.
    Hope you and RL can make up soon so RL can start treating you better.

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  32. jules3677: Ha! “Swishing” is such a perfect word for the function!! Ugh, the trips to the dentist wouldn’t be quite so bad if you could just literally pop in and out. Hope all is on the road to better by now. (Dental stuff sucks ass anyway as it is…)

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  33. Talk to me after the may 5, part two of root canal. So not looking forward to it. Though the good Dentist does up the ‘happy gas’ for these ordeals. Has to be a silver lining somewhere! 🙂


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