Question, reminder, ALEX

Sorry, not a chapter update, but wanted to cover a few things.

1:  You know that thank-you “””one-shot””” that I started writing as I neared gaining the 500th site-specific follower (as opposed to the email-only followers cause, yeah, WP differentiates between the two)?  Well….ok, the GOOD news is that it’s finished and in edits.  The either BETTER or BAD news, deepening on your POV, is that the monster has grown to apx. 20,500 words on Word (WP counts words differently because they gotta be weird)…and I’m not finished with edits yet so it could grow even more (but not much…I swear…honest!).   So…it’s now gonna be a multi-chapter piece.

Here’s the deal:  Lemme know if you want this bad boy in three or four parts (along the lines of BNP).  I’m thinking four although it naturally falls into around five breaks (20,500~ Word words, remember?).  At this point if I were to post the entire thing, it would definitely be a “5-pee, lunch, snack, nap, dinner, snack, nap, rinse, repeat” read.

2:  Voting in the Fanatic Fanficts Multifandom Awards is open and doesn’t close until May 2, 2016.  On a completely unrelated note, my birthday is May 5th.  I guess you can select up to five options in each category but can only vote the one time per category/genre?  I voted a little while ago and didn’t find the process or layout as easy as it was last  year, although it could easily have been due to operator error.  I hope your experience is more pleasant.  Check out all the options, though, if you do decide to take the time to vote, because I am in some great company.

To make finding me in the chaos a bit easier (and to proudly display the love you fantastic readers have shown me because you guys have made me happier than a unicorn in cotton candy over it!), here are the categories/genres where my stories have been listed:

All-Time Favorite True Blood Fanfic – Blue Nail Polish
Favorite Comedy Fanfic – A Parody in Three Acts
Favorite Comedy Fanfic – TwiFuckery
Favorite Complete Fanfic – Blue Nail Polish
Favorite One-shot Fanfic – Playing for Keeps
Favorite One-shot Fanfic – Shall We Dance
Favorite Risqué Fanfic – Eric Northman: After the Show
Favorite Romance Fanfic – Blue Nail Polish
Favorite Romance Fanfic – Decisions
Favorite Romance Fanfic – Sookie Takes Charge
Favorite Romance Fanfic – The Moon
Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic – Eric Northman: After the Show
Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic – Sookie Takes Charge
Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic – The Moon
Favorite Veteran Author

3:  ALEXANDER SKARSGARD WAS (sorta, not really) HURT (possibly maybe a little bruised but it’s kinda sorta funny if you have a weird sense of humor) FILMING A (Tarzan) SEX SCENE!

Annnnd that’s all folks!  Click, read, ogle, then if you have time/patience/a good screen, go vote! 


22 thoughts on “Question, reminder, ALEX

  1. I don’t have a problem with a 5 parter. I think you should break the chapters where they seem to work best. Looking forward to reading it.


  2. will you be posting daily? or weekly? I vote for more chapters if it will be daily. 😀 I am not surprised to find you are a fellow Taurus, considering we share the same sense of humor. And speaking of Alex, did you see his MTV Awards appearance? bwahaha I really love that man!!! Off to vote now


  3. I like multi-chapter fics; I’m just greedy and want to read it all. LOL My greedy nature is nothing new, so take that as you will. One more cup of coffee and then I will see about the voting. 😜


  4. I’m impatient for the good stuff so I would vote you just post the whole story at once😃 but I’m fine with whatever you decide. I’m just happy that a new story is on its way!


  5. I vote for all at once, but a 5 parter with parts daily is my second choice ❤
    Whatever you decide 😀


  6. mom2goalies: 😀 At this point it’s looking like a 4-parter (at least according to how I’ve got it posted in drafts), so that’s good. Manageable lengths…better than being floored with one massive “tome”…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That depends, sometimes I really wish chapters were incredibly long (ok, pretty much always) 😉


  8. missingjasamalways: Taurus rocks! 😀 And Alex’s MTV appearance showed…wait for it…wait for it…a lot of balls… *snicker* Thanks for voting!!


  9. ericluver: But…but what if I decide to up and move to Sweden – or, even better, a nice beach oft-visited by certain Swedes??? *innocent face* Hey, a girl can dream…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. mom2goalies: I love long chapters where the plot/relationship evolves, but not so long that I forget what happened at the top by the time I get to the bottom, though. (Lol, I’m tempted to take notes as I go just so I can give a decent review/remember what all happened!)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Skarsporn Alert: He’s Pretty, and he makes me laugh :) | Gwyns Hidey Hole

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